Demonstrated Capabilities
This section provides an overview and summary analysis of the testing program. Describe the overall capabilities and deficiencies of the testing software module or system. Where tests were intended to demonstrate one or more specific performance requirements, findings should be presented that compare the test results with the performance requirements. Include an assessment of any differences in the test environment versus the operational environment that may have had an effect on the demonstrated capabilities. Provide a statement, based on the results of the system or module test, concerning the adequacy of the system or module to meet overall security requirements.
System Deficiencies
This section describes test results showing software deficiencies. Identify all problems by name and number when placed under configuration control. Describe the cumulative or overall effect of all detected deficiencies on the system of module.
System Refinements
This section itemizes any indicated improvements in system design or operation based on the results of the test period. Accompanying each improvement or enhancement suggested should be a discussion of the added capability it provides and the effect on the system design. The improvements should he indicated by name and requirement number when placed under configuration control.
Recommendations and Estimates
This section provides a statement describing the overall readiness for system implementation. For each deficiency, address the effect on system performance and design. Include any estimates of time and effort required for correction of each deficiency and any recommendations on the following:
- The urgency of each correction
- Parties responsible for corrections
- Recommended solution or approach to correcting deficiencies
Test Problem Report
This section contains copies of the test Problem Reports related to the deficiencies found in the test results. The Test Problem Report will vary according to the information system development project, its scope and complexity, etc. Test Problem Report forms are generated as required and attached to the Test Analysis Reports during testing at the integration level and higher. The disposition of problems found, starting with integration testing should be tracked and reported under configuration control.
Test Analysis Approval Determination Form
This section contains one copy of the Test Analysis Approval Determination form. This form briefly summarizes the perceived readiness for migration of the software. In the case of a User Acceptance Test, it serves as the user’s recommendation for migration to production.