Author: Neftaly Malatjie


        • A performance test is planned and executed on all components for which performance requirements and targets have been agreed to with the client.  The complexity of the Performance Test is a function of both the number of test cases required and the level of difficulty to set up and execute each test case.

  • 114066 LG 1.46 Conduct System Test

        • Verify that the System Test Environment has been created and that it is functional.
        • Create any test data necessary for executing the system test plan scenarios.
        • Execute the system test plan scenarios as assigned to each test team member.
        • Create a problem report for deviations from the expected results documented in the system test plan scenario.
        • Interact with support team to help resolve problem reports.
        • Update the tracking report to reflect test step execution and completion.
        • Depending of the project, interface with the client testing prime to communicate the system test status and issues.
        • Communicate the system test status and issues to management.
        • Ensure execution of the system test plan as per acceptance criteria.
        • Upon system test completion, refine system test plans for final publication.
        • Produce Post Project System Test Reports.
  • 114066 LG 1.45 Create System Test Plan

        • Obtain  a copy of the Requirements Report, FRAM document, Database Design Report, and Detailed Design Report.
          • Determine a table of contents for the system test plan  and assign the individual test plan scenarios to testers.
          • Inform QA and publishing of delivery dates for QA review and publishing.  Inform QA of any special testing strategies which will be adopted.
          • Review the above-mentioned documents for the test plan scenarios to be written.
          • Schedule a testing overview with the analysis and/or development teams to gather the necessary information for writing the test plan scenario.
          • Determine the test cases for the test plan scenario.
          • Allocate the FRAM to the appropriate test case.
          • Write the test plan scenario using the system test plan template.
          • Submit a copy of the test plan scenario to the appropriate parties (Analysis and Development teams) for review.  The appropriate parties include a System Test peer and development.  Depending on the project, the client may participate in a system testing role and may also review the test plan scenario prior to publication.
          • Submit a copy of the allocated FRAM to test plan/test case to the FRAM officer.  Obtain an updated FRAM document allocated to test plan/test case.
          • Submit a copy of the test plan scenario which has been reviewed in a previous step to QA.  Along with the test plan scenario, submit a copy of the FRAM which has been allocated to test plan/test case level.
          • Upon QA review, make any updates to the test plan scenario which are deemed appropriate.
          • Resubmit the test plan scenario to QA for final review.
          • Submit the test plan scenario to publishing.
          • Create the System Test Tracking Report once all test plan scenarios have been reviewed by QA.
          • Submit the System Test Tracking Report to Publishing

  • 114066 LG 1.44 System Testing Steps

      • System Tests shall be run by the System Testing Team.  A skeleton for the system test plan is available in Word for Windows.  The procedure for system testing is as follows:

        • Review all requirements and design documents.
        • Attend system reviews presented by Development and Analysis Team members.
        • Create and maintain a detailed System Test Project Plan.
        • Divide the FRAM Requirements into logical groupings or scenarios.  These scenarios should reflect the business or operational approach to the system.
        • Define any necessary regression tests.
        • Create a System Test Plan.
        • Where possible, create scripts to automate the execution of a test case.
        • Ensure the System Test Plan is reviewed by appropriate parties (Development and Quality Assurance).
        • Verify that the System Test Environment has been created.
        • Conduct the test as specified in the test cases.
        • Identify any problems that are encountered or where the actual results do not agree with the defined expected results and complete a Problem Report.
        • Record in the Tracking document the steps executed, relevant PRs, and test cases completed.
        • Once all problems have been resolved, re-run the necessary tests.
        • Update test plans after the testing is complete.
        • Produce Post Project System Testing Reports


  • 114066 LG 1.43 System Test Design Guidelines

      • The following are recommended guidelines when designing system tests:

        • Design test cases to ensure that all requirements identified in the Functional Requirements Analysis Matrix document are tested by one or more test cases.
        • In order to minimize the number of test cases required, design test cases to establish the presence of several related requirements.
        • Each logical test case should test related functionality.
        • Use test cases that already exist wherever possible.
        • Arrange test cases in the order that minimizes the effort required for test setup and that keeps related functions together.
        • Where possible, arrange the test cases in the order the function would be performed from a business perspective.
        • Design test plans to run independently of other test plans.
        • Identify a procedure to set up the database as required at the start of the test.
        • Design test cases and test data that reveal errors in software.
        • Design test data that will ensure all conditions and qualities of data edits are covered.
        • Use live or representative data as much as possible in order to provide realistic functional tests.  Any comments about setting up the test data are to be documented.
        • Data for most reports should come from the data prepared for testing the interactive processes.  It is acceptable to have the reports contain existing data from the database.