Author: Neftaly Malatjie

  • 114066 LG 1.25 Exit Criteria

    1. It specifies the criteria that denote a successful completion of a test phase. The exit criteria are the targeted results of the test and are necessary before proceeding to the next phase of development. Example: 95% of all critical test cases must pass.

      Some methods of defining exit criteria are by specifying a targeted run rate and pass rate.

      • Run rate is ratio between number test cases executed/total test cases of test specification. For example, the test specification has total 120 TCs, but the tester only executed 100 TCs, So the run rate is 100/120 = 0.83 (83%)
      • Pass rate is ratio between numbers test cases passed / test cases executed. For example, in above 100 TCs executed, there’re 80 TCs that passed, so the pass rate is 80/100 = 0.8 (80%)

      This data can be retrieved in Test Metric documents.

      • Run rate is mandatory to be 100% unless a clear reason is given.
      • Pass rate is dependent on project scope, but achieving high pass rate is a goal.

      Example: Your Team has already done the test executions. They report the test result to you, and they want you to confirm the Exit Criteria.

      In above case, the Run rate is mandatory is 100%, but the test team only completed 90% of test cases. It means the Run rate is not satisfied, so do NOT confirm the Exit Criteria 

      Step 5) Resource Planning

      Resource plan is a detailed summary of all types of resources required to complete project task. Resource could be human, equipment and materials needed to complete a project

      The resource planning is important factor of the test planning because helps in determining the number of resources (employee, equipment…) to be used for the project. Therefore, the Test Manager can make the correct schedule & estimation for the project.

      This section represents the recommended resources for your project.

  • 114066 LG 1.24 Suspension Criteria

    1. Specify the critical suspension criteria for a test. If the suspension criteria are met during testing, the active test cycle will be suspended until the criteria are resolved.

      Example: If your team members report that there are 40% of test cases failed, you should suspend testing until the development team fixes all the failed cases

  • 114066 LG 1.50 Quality Records

        • In general, the following steps highlight what is required:

          • Ensure that all performance requirements and/or objectives, agreed to with the client, are known and documented.
          • Define the test cases that are required for performance testing.
          • Gather all information pertinent to volumetric for issues of sizing as well as performance (i.e., estimated file sizes, normal and peak throughput, etc.).
          • Create the Performance Test Plan.
          • Ensure transaction drivers and other required utilities are developed, tested and configured prior to the commencement of testing.
          • Determine the tools and methodologies required to measure the performance.
          • Create the Performance Test environment.
          • Create and populate the Performance Test database.
          • Update all system and application configurations to reflect the test site environment.
          • Execute test cases as specified in the Performance Test Plan
          • If one or more performance requirements cannot be met, introduce changes to the system configuration and/or corrections to the affected unit(s).
          • If the performance requirement(s) in question still cannot be met, complete a Problem Report.
          • Once all problems have been resolved, re-run the necessary tests.
          • Complete analysis of performance test results and document.
  • 114066 LG 1.49 Performance Testing Guidelines and Steps

        • In general, the following steps highlight what is required:

          • Ensure that all performance requirements and/or objectives, agreed to with the client, are known and documented.
          • Define the test cases that are required for performance testing.
          • Gather all information pertinent to volumetric for issues of sizing as well as performance (i.e., estimated file sizes, normal and peak throughput, etc.).
          • Create the Performance Test Plan.
          • Ensure transaction drivers and other required utilities are developed, tested and configured prior to the commencement of testing.
          • Determine the tools and methodologies required to measure the performance.
          • Create the Performance Test environment.
          • Create and populate the Performance Test database.
          • Update all system and application configurations to reflect the test site environment.
          • Execute test cases as specified in the Performance Test Plan
          • If one or more performance requirements cannot be met, introduce changes to the system configuration and/or corrections to the affected unit(s).
          • If the performance requirement(s) in question still cannot be met, complete a Problem Report.
          • Once all problems have been resolved, re-run the necessary tests.
          • Complete analysis of performance test results and document.
  • 114066 LG 1.48 Documents Required

        • The following documents provide information required to create the Performance Test Plan and are recommended reading before starting the planning phase.

          • Standards and Procedures Manual
          • Overview Design Report
          • System Description
          • Database Design Report
          • Detailed Design Report
          • Requirements Report
          • FRAM