Author: Neftaly Malatjie


    Candidate’s Name:

    Assessor’s Name:

    Unit Standard Title: 

    Demonstrate an understanding of Wide Area Computer Networks (WAN`s), comparing them with Local Area Networks (LAN`s) 

    Special Assessment Requirements


    Date, time and location

    Resources required

    Evidence to be generated

    Attend Training.

    Training material, Facilitator

    Attendance Register

    Complete formative assessment

    Formative assessment workbook

    Completed portfolio of evidence

    Complete summative assessment

    Summative assessment workbook

    Completed portfolio of evidence

    Submit Portfolio of Evidence to Training Provider

    Acknowledgement of receipt from Training Provider

    Assessor roles and responsibility




    Feedback Agent



    Consult candidate re assessment, assessment process and plan.

    Agree assessment process and plan with candidate.

    Forward documentation to candidate: plan, guide and assessment instruments.

    Assess candidate with the use of different instruments.

    Provide feedback on assessment findings.

    Support candidate through assessment process.

    Source feedback from candidate on assessment process.

    Review assessment process and outcome.

    Use assessment process as opportunity to transform assessment activities and outcomes.

    Candidate roles and responsibility



    Feedback agent



    Be available for assessment.

    Be actively involved in the consultative process.

    Learn from the assessment process.

    Provide feedback to the assessor in terms of the assessment as learning activity.

    Provide feedback to the assessor on the efficacy of the assessment process.

    Review own role and assessor role in the assessment process.

    Assessment Instruments

    Portfolio of evidence

    Observation checklist


    Assessment Process



    Evaluation of POE addressing Essential Embedded Knowledge in unit standards.

    Evaluation of Research Projects and other evidence address specific unit standards.

    Consultation: assessment plan and assessment activities and instruments.  Pre-assessment moderation and interviews conducted at this stage.

    Observation: feedback on assessment against specific outcomes, critical outcomes in unit standards.

    Feedback: to candidate regarding sufficiency of evidence and possible interview to gain supplementary evidence.

    Feedback to candidate regarding assessment findings as well as review process.


    Written feedback to be given to all stakeholders at the end of the assessment process, as well as verbal feedback to the candidate during assessment activities.

    Recording Process

    Process and findings to be recorded and submitted for record keeping purposes as well as moderation and verification.

    Review Process

    The review process is the responsibility of the assessor and the candidate.  Joint reviewing will take place after feedback has been given to the candidate.

    Right to appeal

    The candidate must be advised of the right to appeal.

    Accessibility and safety of environment



    Site inspection conducted.

    Pre-assessment moderation conducted.

    Resources Required




    Candidate Signature

    Assessor Signature

    Moderator Signature




    I confirm that:

    ·         I have been consulted on and have agreed to the training and assessment process as detailed in the assessment guide.

    ·         I have been advised of my right to appeal against any assessment that is unfair, unreliable, invalid or impracticable.

    ·         I have read and understood the appeal procedure.

    ·         I know that assessments may be moderated or verified by an external party.

    ·         The purpose of the assessment has been clearly explained to me.

    ·         The criteria have been discussed with me, and I know I will be assessed against these criteria.

    ·         I know when and where I will be assessed, and I was given fair notice.

    ·         I know how the assessment will be done, and any other requirements related to the assessment.


    Signed:                                                                       Date:                                      

    Overall Assessment Decision

    Met requirements

    Did not meet requirements

    Candidate’s Signature




    Assessor’s Signature




    Moderator’s Signature






    Preparing the Candidate

    Name of Candidate






    Name of Assessor




    How to prepare the candidate

    Document Requirements

    Agree (tick)

    Action Required

    Explain to the candidate why you are meeting and the purpose of the assessment.

    NQF Framework Assessment process

    Discuss the assessment plan in detail.

    Assessment strategy

    Explain assessment process, show assessment instruments to candidate and describe assessment conditions.

    Assessment instruments

    Identify the role-players during assessment.



    Describe the evidence required to be declared competent.

    Examples of evidence

    Explain how evidence will be judged.

    Explain to the candidate how to prepare:  Give candidate summative task description.

    Summative task description

    Confirm with the candidate what he/she should bring to the assessment.

    Detailed briefing on exact requirements to be given to candidate

    Ensure that candidate understands the procedures of all assessment practices.

    Appeals procedure

    Moderation procedure

    Assessment policy

    Ask the candidate if he/she foresees any problems or identify any special needs.

    List needs

    Check with candidate that he/she clearly understands the assessment procedure.

    Comments or questions:



    This assessment exercise will cover the outcomes required in order to achieve a competency certificate. The purpose of the assessment process is to gather enough evidence to prove all unit standard outcomes were achieved.

    Competency will be assessed through class hands on tasks recorded in POE, input and performance based assessment, assignments which will require a fair amount of research and observation in essential embedded knowledge. Assessment evidence should be sufficient to prove that the candidate is competent in all require tasks set by the unit standards.

    A summative assessment will be conducted at end of course to confirm assessment judgments.  Principles of fairness, validity, practicability, reliability and consistency will be adhered to throughout.


    Unit Standard Codes



    Level 5



    Purpose of Assessment

    The purpose of this assessment is intended to provide fundamental knowledge of the areas covered. For those entering the workplace in the area of Data Communications & Networking. As additional knowledge for those wanting to understand the areas covered.

    Assessment Procedures

    An integrated assessment approach will be followed to allow for practical and theoretical components. This entails the assessment of a number of unit standards, outcomes and criteria together in one assessment activity.

    Candidates are not only assessed against specific outcomes, but also on critical outcomes, attitudes and values.

    A summative competence judgment will be made on the basis of all assessment evidence produced, that proves that the candidate can be consistently judged as competent against the outcomes of the unit standards and the qualification as a whole.

    Candidates take responsibility for their own assessment and should notify the assessor when they are ready for assessment.

    Candidates will receive feedback after the summative assessment, which will be discussed after all assessments have been completed.

    All assessments will be reviewed to ensure that assessment practices are valid, fair, transparent, consistent and current.

    An Internal/External moderator will moderate assessment practices.

    The SETA will also conduct external moderation.

    Context of Assessment

    Assessment Methods

    Assessment Conditions

    Who will conduct assessment

    Assessment results and feedback

    Written assessments (exercises; assignments; projects)


    Observation checklist

    Input based assessments


    2 weeks after successful submission



    The candidate has the right to appeal against assessment decision or practice they regard as unfair. An Appeals and Disputes procedure is in place and communicated to all assessment candidates in order for them to appeal on the basis of:

    • Unfair assessment
    • Invalid assessment
    • Unreliable assessment
    • Unethical practices
    • Inadequate expertise and experience of the assessor

    Appeals have to be lodged in writing (Candidate Appeal Form) & submitted to the Training Provider internal moderator within 48 hours, following the assessment in question.

    The moderator will consider the appeal & make a decision regarding the granting of a re-assessment.

    The learner will be informed about the appeal-outcome within 3 days of lodging the appeal. Should the learner not be satisfied with the internal appeal outcome, the learner will be advised of the rights to refer the matter to the Services SETA ETQA.



    Congratulations on completing this programme.  We sincerely hope you enjoyed the programme and that the learning experience was enriching.

    The fact that you have attended training, however, is not sufficient evidence of your competence for us to award you a certificate and the credits attached to this programme. You are required to undergo assessment in order to prove your competence to achieve credits leading to a national qualification.

    Being Declared Competent Entails:

    Competence is the ability to perform whole work roles, to the standards expected in employment, in a real working environment.

    There are three levels of competence:

    • Foundational competence: an understanding of what you do and why.
    • Practical competence: the ability to perform a set of tasks in an authentic context.
    • Reflexive competence: the ability to adapt to changed circumstances appropriately and responsibly, and to explain the reason behind the action.

    To receive a certificate of competence and be awarded credits, you are required to provide evidence of your competence by compiling a portfolio of evidence, which will be assessed by a Services SETA accredited assessor.

    You Have to Submit a Portfolio of Evidence

    A portfolio of evidence is a structured collection of evidence that reflects your efforts, progress and achievement in a specific learning area, and demonstrates your competence.

    The Assessment of Your Competence

    Assessment of competence is a process of making judgments about an individual’s competence through matching evidence collected to the appropriate national standards. The evidence in your portfolio should closely reflect the outcomes and assessment criteria of the unit standards of the learning programme for which you are being assessed.

    To determine a candidate’s knowledge and ability to apply the skills before and during the learning programme, formative assessments are done to determine the learner’s progress towards full competence. This normally guides the learner towards a successful summative (final) assessment to which both the assessor and the candidate only agree when they both feel the candidate is ready.

    Should it happen that a candidate is deemed not yet competent upon a summative assessment, that candidate will be allowed to be re-assessed. The candidate can, however, only be allowed two reassessments.

    When learners have to undergo re-assessment, the following conditions will apply:

    • Specific feedback will be given so that candidates can concentrate on only those areas in which they were assessed as not yet competent.
    • Re-assessment will take place in the same situation or context and under the same conditions as the original assessment.
    • Only the specific outcomes that were not achieved will be re-assessed.
    • Candidates who are repeatedly unsuccessful will be given guidance on other possible and more suitable learning avenues.
    • In order for your assessor to assess your competence, your portfolio should provide evidence of both your knowledge and skills, and of how you applied your knowledge and skills in a variety of contexts.

    This Candidate’s Assessment Portfolio directs you in the activities that need to be completed so that your competence can be assessed and so that you can be awarded the credits attached to the programme.