Author: Hakeem Phiri

  • SayPro Administrator, how to upload documents and update client’s profiles

    When uploading documents and updating client’s profiles

    – First log into your SayPro profile then click on dashboard on the top left corner.

    -On the left hand side look for users, select all users and type the username or email address of the clint on the search pad

    -Once you have searched and located the client’s profile, open it on a new tab then go to the tab

    -Once on the clients profile you can be able to update the information even reset the password.

    -To upload the client’s documents, you must ensure that the documents are first saved into your computer.

    -Scroll down on the clients user profile until you see the upload button.

    -Click on upload then select the document from your computer

    -Once the documents are loaded into the client’s profile and the details are updated you can scroll down until you see update, then update.

  • SayPro, how to create a quotation and send out to a client

    When developing a quotation for a client:

    -First log into your SayPro profile then click on dashboard on the top left corner.

    -Look for Jetpack CRM on the lefthand side of the screen.

    -Under Jetpack CRM you have quotes, click quotes then open up the tab then you can develop the quotation.

    -Contact, enter the client’s name or email address under contact.

    -Quote title, enter the product title under quote title e.g. New Website.

    -Quote Date, select the quotation date.

    -Notes, type in notes under notes about the quotation to give more clarity to the client. -Associated Files, you can then attach a file or document to the quote (Optional).

    -Remember to save the quote and send to the client.

  • SayPro, how to send a SMS to a client using SayPro SMS

    When sending SayPro clients SMSs

    -First log into your SayPro profile then click on dashboard on the top left corner.

    -Check on the left-hand side down below there is SMS, move your mouse to it then select send SMS.

    -Click on Subscribers, from there you can select the category of who you wish to receive the SMS. It can be subscribers or numbers.

    -Subscribers, It’s the people who are subscribers on SayPro. Under them there are groups you can select to send the SMS to many clients e.g. All SayPro Clients or City Reps.

    -Numbers, when you select numbers, you must add the numbers of the recipient. When adding numbers ensure to add country codes and close all spaces between the numbers. To separate the numbers, you can either use shift-space to put the numbers below each other or use a comma.

    -Message, under message you can type your message then send it out.

  • SayPro, how to link the SayPro clients/subscribers into groups

    linking the SayPro clients/subscribers into groups

    First log into your SayPro profile then click on the dashboard in the top left corner.

    -On the left-hand side of the screen check for the sms, under sms there are subscribers

    Select subscribers and open on a new tab

    -Open all the users on another tab next to the subscribers

    -Under users, you can open a user profile and get the name and surname of the client

    Go to the Subscribers tab and type the name and surname

    -Go back to the user profile and get the phone number of the client

    Take the phone number and paste it on the subscribers tab, ensure to put the correct country code of the client

    -Go back to the user tab and add a star  before the name of the client to indicate that the client is linked to a group

    -Once you added the star and updated the profile, ensure to update the profile of the client

    -Once the profile is updated, go to the subscribers tab and select which group do you wish to allocate the client under then click add subscriber.

    -The client will receive messages together with everyone in the group.

  • SayPro, how to create an invoice and send out to a client

    When developing invoices for clients

    -First log into your SayPro profile then click on the dashboard in the top left corner.

    -Look for Jetpack CRM on the lefthand side of the screen.

    -Under Jetpack CRM you have invoices, click invoices then open up the tab and select add new then you can develop the invoice.

    Below are the steps to develop the invoice.

    Ensure the client is registered with SayPro so you can be able to select their profile under contacts, if they are not registered you can allow them to complete the application form.

    -Under Assign invoice to, enter the client’s email address or name. The client’s profile will appear then you select it.

    -Customize, you can choose between quantity or hours depending on the service.

    -Description, enter the item title and the item description.

    Enter the price as well as the quantity of the item, you can also add the tax if applicable.

    -There are associated files at the bottom you can add if there are any needed

    -Ensure to add the correct invoice date, due date and whether the invoice should be paid via online or bank Transfer.

    -Once done with the
    invoice remember to double check save and send.