. After the consumer becomes aware of the problem or need, he or she searches for information about products that will help resolve the problem or satisfy the need.
- There are two aspects to an information search:
- a) In the internal search, buyers first search their memories for information about products that might solve the problem.
- b) In the external search, buyers seek information from outside sources.
(1) An external search occurs if buyers cannot retrieve enough information from their memories for a decision.
(2) Buyers seek information from friends, relatives, public sources, such as government reports or publications, or marketer-dominated sources of information, such as salespeople, advertising, websites, package labeling, and in-store demonstrations and displays. The Internet has become a major information source.
- Repetition, a technique well known to advertisers, increases consumers’ learning. Repetition eventually may cause wear-out, meaning consumers pay less attention to the commercial and respond to it less favorably than they did at first.
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