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  • ***SayPro Online Course in Basic Invoicing and Accounting 252435-11241

***SayPro Online Course in Basic Invoicing and Accounting 252435-11241

56 Weeks
29 lessons
25 quizzes
738 students

‘Tis the season for all things accounting and invoicing. From the small business owner to the global corporation with a presence overseas, everyone is concerned about their books. And with good reason: accounting and invoicing are essential for running a successful business.

SayPro has come up with a solution that will help you understand how to manage your finances more effectively. Our online course in basic accounting and invoicing will teach you everything you need to know about these important subjects so that you can run your company like a pro.

On our course, you’ll learn how to create an accurate financial statement, invoice clients accurately, and track expenses efficiently. We also provide valuable insight on international trade regulations so that you’re fully prepared if your company decides to expand abroad in the future.

Ordering and receiving invoices is an important part of your business strategy, but don’t have time to keep up with it?

SayPro can help! Our online course teaches you the basics of invoicing and accounting. We cover everything you need to know, from how to set up a business account in QuickBooks Online to how to invoice customers and track collections. With our easy-to-follow instruction, you’ll be on your way to running a successful business in no time!

Sign up today and learn how easy it is to keep track of your finances online with SayPro.

SayPro is a course that teaches you how to do basic invoicing and accounting in a very easy way. It aims at making it easier for beginners to understand the basics of accounting, invoicing, and other bookkeeping procedures. The course is offered by the SayPro school, which has been teaching people like you for years now.

The online course will take you through all the basic necessities of accounting and invoicing in plain English so that it’s easy to understand. You’ll be able to master these skills in no time! Plus, your registration will get you a free trial membership with our expert staff behind them so that we can help with any questions or concerns you have while learning this great skill!

Accounting and invoicing are a must for every business. But not everyone is aware of the importance of these two topics.. SayPro has created an online course to teach you about accounting basics and invoicing.

This course will help you understand the basic accounting concepts, such as accounts, assets, liabilities, profit & loss accounts etc. It will also equip you with skills required to successfully complete your annual or monthly VAT returns.

You want to start your own business on its feet, but you don’t know where to begin. You’ve heard about the wonders of e-commerce, but you’re not sure if it’s for you. Or maybe you’re just looking for some extra income on the side. Whatever the reason is, SayPro can help! This course will teach you everything you need to know about basic invoicing and accounting. You’ll learn how much it costs to run a business like a pro, how taxes are deducted from your profits, and what else your accountant might want to see in order to ensure that your books are in tip-top shape.

In no time at all, you’ll be able to calculate sales taxes and VAT on every sale with ease! And when it comes time for tax season, that extra knowledge of accounting will come in handy as well – especially if your accountant uses SayPro like we do!


  • 7 Sections
  • 29 Lessons
  • 56 Weeks
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Jeffrey Olokile Motapina

For every new startup, there is a lot of stress, uncertainty, and confusion while simultaneously learning how to run the business. In such cases, Jeffrey Olokile Motapina is the answer to all your questions. With over 15 years of experience working in various startups and corporates, he is the expert who can help you out with everything related to developing skills in teams. He’s helped companies grow by learning new languages, accessing new markets, and understanding what matters most when making decisions. He’s also an expert at coaching and mentoring employees on how to become more confident and self-assured in their roles. Not only that, but his words of wisdom echo through the corporate world as well. Jeffrey Olokile Motapina is a Skills Development Facilitator from SayPro. He is an expert on imparting skills in various fields, and has vast experience in the same. Jeffrey is an inspiration for many, and his straightforward approach to life makes him an example for us all. He teaches us how to be bold, to be fearless, and that everything we do in life should have passion attached to it. He encourages us to learn new things and live life in full throttle – just like him! Making the transition from school to work is never easy, and when you do it in an unfamiliar city, it can be even more confusing. To help make things easier for him, Jeffrey Olokile Motapina has decided to join SayPro as a Skills Development Facilitator. In this role, he will be teaching individuals the basics of office etiquette, along with important computer skills like Word and Excel. The opportunity to support Jeffrey in his goal is our way of saying thank you for all his hard work in making SayPro a great place to work! He’s the guy who knows just how to teach it. And that’s why he has so many students. Jeffrey Olokile Motapina is a Skills Development Facilitator who can teach anyone anything, from basic computer skills to advanced programming. Not only does he have extensive experience, but he’s also an expert in the field of digital marketing. He’s one of a kind: smart and skilled, with 0% fat-saturated cholesterol and no harmful artificial colors or flavors. That makes him the perfect partner for any brand! Jeffrey Olokile Motapina is a Skills Development Facilitator who helps you build your business intelligence and think proactively. Catch him on one of his sessions and say hello to the next level of success!


  • Laptop Or Cell Phone
  • Read and Write English
  • Course Available Online


  • Explaining items of expenditure and revenue.
  • Explaining fixed and variable costs.
  • Performing invoicing operations and post amounts to the appropriate accounts.
  • Reconciling and identifying individual transactions with statements of accounts.
  • Identifying and disbursing the items on behalf of the organisation to be recovered in the invoicing process. 

Target audiences

  • All Countries Qualify
  • All Ages Qualify

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