Learning Outcomes |
· Occupational learning materials are organized and used for optimum learning.
· Layout, presentation, and organizational features of learning materials are understood and used effectively. · Technical language/ terminology is engaged with and clarification is sought if needed.
- Introduction
Occupational learning materials are learning materials that apply to that specific occupation/trade/profession. They are very necessary when it comes to training or instructing the people working in that occupation when trying to increase their proficiency levels.
It is, however, essential to use the vast array of learning materials appropriately – i.e. they must be managed correctly.
- Organize occupational learning materials for efficient use
There is a wide range of learning materials available that make the training of workers less daunting than in the past. The learning materials at our disposal are:
♦ Texts
♦ Handouts
♦ textbooks
♦ Charts
♦ Maps
♦ Plans
♦ Diagrams
♦ videos/DVDs
♦ Internet
♦ models
These are probably the most widely used learning materials because they are easily accessible, more affordable, ‘portable’, and usually user-friendly. They must, however, be used correctly.
It will be a futile exercise to use this learning material on illiterate workers, or where workers are trained on-site and have nowhere to put the books to read them or follow the facilitator. It is also essential that the content is appropriate – the correct information at the correct level for the worker
2.2 Charts, maps plans, diagrams, and models
It must be clear (easy to read/see) and also simple enough to understand, without losing importance. These are usually used to illustrate or explain a concept or an object. Once again, the circumstances must be conducive to using these, the result will not be successful if they are used outside in the wind with nothing to hold them down.
2.3 Videos/DVD
These learning materials often succeed where others have failed. The reason for this is that most people learn best visually. Of great importance is that the videos/DVDs must be current, they must be of good quality (sound and picture clarity) and they must be appropriate. The equipment used to project the video/DVD must be of an acceptable standard and in good working order. Lastly, the workers (recipients of the information) must be able to understand – must be on the same level as – the information.
2.4 Internet
This learning material is usually very current, but unfortunately, also very exclusive. In
most companies/organizations the majority of the workers are not computer literate, or
they do not have access to computers. The internet contains the most wonderful information,
presented most amazingly, but if it is not accessible, it is worthless.
2.3 Videos/DVD
These learning materials often succeed where others have failed. The reason for this is
that most people learn best visually. Of great importance is that the videos/DVDs must be
current, they must be of good quality (sound and picture clarity) and they must be appropriate.
The equipment used to project the video/DVD must be of an acceptable standard and
in good working order. Lastly, the workers (recipients of the information) must be able to
understand – must be on the same level as – the information.
2.4 Internet
This learning material is usually very current, but unfortunately, also very exclusive. In most companies/organizations the majority of the workers are not computer literate, or they do not have access to computers. The internet contains the most wonderful information, presented most amazingly, but if it is not accessible, it is worthless You have now seen how very important it is to organize your learning materials carefully and to use them efficiently, for learning to take place successfully.
- The layout and presentation of learning materials are understood and used effectively
Most learning materials are set out and presented in an organized way, to assist the learner to extract the necessary information. It is important that the learner understands and uses the layout
♦ Contents page: This is the page at the beginning of the document/book that lists everything contained in chronological order – i.e. in the order it is presented. It also lists the page number on which it can be found. The contents page enables us to go straight to the necessary information, without having to page through the whole document/book.
This page also enables us to ascertain whether the information included is appropriate to our need/purpose. The contents page is very valuable when it comes to time management.
Glossaries: This is an alphabetical list of terms particular to a field of knowledge, with explanations. It helps us to understand terms found in the text that are unfamiliar to us. Because those terms are specific to a topic/subject, they are often not found in the average dictionary. The glossary can be found at the back of the book/ document, just before the index.
♦ Index: This is an alphabetical list of persons, subjects, etc., mentioned in a printed work/text, usually at the back, and indicating where they are referred to. This list helps us to go to the exact place in the text where what we are looking for, is located.
♦ Electronic texts: These are texts (written work/information) found on computers as email or internet websites. The layout and presentation of these texts differ greatly, for various reasons.
Firstly, because the information gets updated regularly, the contents page, glossary, and index change continuously – this sometimes leads to writers disregarding those three items in favor of a more informal layout.
Secondly, the fierce competition amongst various websites results in many individual layouts and presentations, to attract the most attention. To extract the optimum information from an electronic text, a person has to be very familiar with the computer and its various functions.
- Technical language/terminology (jargon) is engaged with, and clarification is sought if needed
Technical language or terminology is specific to an occupation/trade/ profession, therefore you will come across it in your work. You must familiarize yourself with it, as it will accelerate your progress and benefit you in the long run. The first place to seek clarification is in the glossary of the text you are dealing with. Alternatively, colleagues or your superiors should be able to assist you.
From the above information, it is clear that it is vital to manage occupational learning materials well to achieve your goals.
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