Answer the following question in the space provided below.
WORD ATTACK SKILLS Look at this list of complex terms on the left hand of this table, and match them with the correct explanations. For example, the first correct answer would be 1- j. Use your word attack skills to help you complete this activity.
1. Multi-national 2. Multi-millionaire 3. Groundwater 4. Biodiversity 5. Information Technology 6. building Science 7. Eco-systems 8. Eco-tourism 9. Geochemistry 10. Hypothermia 11. Alien vegetation
a. Having lots of money b. Total of the variety of life and its interaction and can be divided into genetic diversity; species diversity; ecological or ecosystem diversity c. The study of construction d. The study of machines related to communication e. The chemistry of the earth f. Study of how all life systems function in the environment g. Condition of having body temperature below normal h. When visitors and tourists use the environment in a non-damaging way i. Water is found underground in cracks and spaces in soil, sand, and rock. j. More than one country k. Vegetation is not indigenous to South Africa which needs constant monitoring and removal to keep it in check.
What do these sentences mean?
Look at these ambiguous newspaper headlines. • KIDS MAKE NUTRITIOUS SNACKS • GRANDMOTHER OF EIGHT MAKES HOLE IN ONE • MILK DRINKERS ARE TURNING TO POWDER • DRUNK GETS NINE MONTHS IN VIOLIN CASE • FARMERS HOOKED ON NITROGEN FIXATION Rewrite each one so that the ambiguity is eliminated, in other words, the double meaning is fully explained. To do this you will need to rewrite each sentence twice. Write the literal (but incorrect) version first then what the headline is trying to say). Example: 1. Grandmother makes a hole in one of her eight children! 2. Grandmother of eight children achieves a hole-in-one (in golf).
Look at these examples of biased statements and identify what source you think they came from. Match the number of the statement with the appropriate number of the source given in the list. Keep in mind that a source can be biased for or against something.
1. Baboons are a menace and should be shot on sight. 2. The Israeli forces are evil and are illegally occupying Palestine. 3. The Palestinians have no right to own land in the Gaza strip – it belongs to Israel. 4. Eminem is one of the greatest rappers of all time. 5. Eminem’s lyrics are disgusting. He should be banned. 6. Baboons are peaceful, fun-loving animals that do not harm. 7. Men are lazy and our lives would be improved if they were all eliminated. 8. Gambling is a vice – it will lead to moral decay. 9. Women are the best! Long live women! 10. Charities benefit enormously from the Lotto therefore gambling is a good thing. 11. Farm laborers are unable to negotiate with management. 12. Farm workers preferred the ‘tot system’.
a) A newspaper article in favor of gambling. b) An article from a leaflet entitled “Protect All Animals!” c) A writer who dislikes swearing and obscenities in music. d) A fan writing to a fan club newsletter. e) A pamphlet promoting Israel’s right to occupy the Gaza Strip. f) An article was written by someone who dislikes men intensely. g) A letter from someone who has been plagued by baboons. h) A poster advertising Women’s Day. i) An article that is written by someone whose life was ruined by gambling. j) A brochure published to support the Palestinian struggle for land. k) An Apartheid era, anti-union, farm policy document. l) A letter from a farmer who wanted to extract cheap labor from workers.
For this activity, you will need a pen and paper. You may work in pairs.
Look at these examples of extracts from articles. Then match the extract with the attitude or belief being expressed either directly or indirectly. A list of attitudes and beliefs is given below – some of which are correct, some of which are not. Choose the one you think best describes the attitude and beliefs of the author. Match appropriate numbers.
1. Children are a mixed blessing. On the one hand, they give meaning to our lives, are entertaining, fun to be around, and keep us young. On the other hand, they are a great responsibility. 2. Modern music is in a strange state. There are no more great guitarists like Clapton and Hendricks from the 60s. Today’s guitarists think it is sufficient to learn a few chords, and then blast the audience with their new-found skills. 3. The abuse of Iraqi prisoners was to be expected. The Americans have always shown little regard for those they hold captive in times of war. Abuse has occurred frequently in previous wars. 4. The current trend of concern about the genetic modification of food crops is based on various scientific misconceptions. The potential benefits of GM crops far outweigh the few disadvantages. 5. Studying by correspondence is challenging. The advantages are that you can pace yourself and decide when you wish to study. You can also earn a wage while being a student. A disadvantage is that you cannot have class discussions.
Attitudes and beliefs:
a) Negative attitude to correspondence courses b) Positive attitude to genetic modification; belief that its advantages outweigh any disadvantages c) Negative attitude to the USA; belief that they tend to abuse prisoners of war d) Belief that modern music is better than it was 40 years ago e) Belief that having children is a positive thing; positive attitude to children f) Positive attitude to the USA; belief that they are a humane nation g) Negative attitude to genetic modification; belief that it is ultimately harmful h) Negative attitude to modern music; belief that it has got worse over the years i) Positive attitude to studying through correspondence colleges; belief that they are better than full-time institutions j) Belief that having children is a bad thing; negative attitude toward children
For this activity, you will need magazines, scissors, pen & paper
Find two adverts from a magazine or newspaper where the visuals caught your attention. Attach the advert to this workbook.
Study the pictures and the accompanying text carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 1. What about the picture captured your attention? 2. Describe the picture in words – is it as effective? 3. Did the picture have a caption? If so, was it effective? If not, try making one up. 4. Would the picture alone make you interested in purchasing the product? Why or why not? 5. Decide whether the text that is written alongside the picture would influence you in any way. Give reasons for your answer. 6. At whom is the text aimed (audience)? 7. Of what is the author of the text trying to convince you?
I ______________________________, the assessor, declare the candidate Competent / Not Yet Competent (circle relevant) on all the criteria within the assignment.
I _____________________________________, the candidate, declare that I have received feedback and been informed of my overall competence for the criteria within the assignment.
____________________ ____________________ |
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