SayPro SAQA Course 11367 Store products and improve safety, health and environmental issues in footwear NQF Level 04 Credits 06


PURPOSE OF SayPro SAQA Course 11367 Store products and improve safety, health, and environmental issues in footwear NQF Level 04 Credits 06 This standard is in the core category of the NQF Level 4 National Certificate in Footwear technology. Learners assessed competent against this standard will be able to improve on health, safety, and environmental issues in footwear processes through storing goods, equipment, and tools, demarcating designated working areas, inspecting safety equipment, and assessing ecological matters. Learners involved in any elective area will use this standard.


SayPro SAQA ID: 11367 Store products and improve safety, health, and environmental issues in footwear NQF Level 04 Credits 06

Identify and solve problems to identify areas for differentiation.

Work with others to aid inspection and reports to be actioned.

Use information from inspections and schedule new inspection dates.

Communicate via reports and persuasive techniques to rectify safety problems.

Use science and technology to determine environmental issues.

Understand the world as a set of related systems where environmental impact is understood.


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