SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516616646

Email: Call/WhatsApp: + 27 84 313 7407

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Associated Assessment Criteria:

The qualifying learner demonstrates specialist skills of a standard which enables him or her to sit the external examination in the speciality administered by the Colleges of Medicine of South Africa.

The qualifying learner:

1.1 Uses problem-solving techniques, which draw on her or his multi-faceted knowledge, in order to arrive at a diagnosis for a patient.
1.2 Is able to communicate efficiently and effectively with the patient and other health care workers as a team.
1.3 Shows sustained competence in psychomotor skills necessary for the practice of Nuclear Medicine.
1.4 Is competent and responsible in the use of instruments and equipment necessary for this practice.

2.1 Conducts all research with due regard for the moral, legal and ethical accountability and requirements of the profession.
2.2 Practices Evidence-Based Medicine by critically evaluating published literature in the field and applies it in practice.
2.3 Is able to guide junior candidates who are studying or working in the same branch of specialisation.

3.1 Shows respect for patients and colleagues that encompasses, without prejudice, diversity of background and opportunity, language, culture and way of life.
3.2 Where applicable, refers patients to practitioners who are more appropriately qualified than he or she is to treat certain conditions.
3.3 Demonstrates an awareness, through actions or in writing, of the moral, legal and ethical responsibilities involved in individual patient care and the provision of care to populations.
3.4 Considers both the impact of health care on the environment as well as the impact of the environment on health.
3.5 Strives to improve patient care, to reduce inequalities in health care delivery, to optimise the use of health care resources in our society and uses his or her professional capabilities to contribute to community as well as to individual patient welfare by the practise of Nuclear Medicine.

4.1 Can teach, through clinical practice at the specialist level, the application of knowledge from the basic to the advanced level to other professionals.
4.2 Communicates this knowledge by teaching undergraduates and supervising interns and more junior colleagues in the speciality.

5.1 Uses appropriate strategies for learning that will prepare him or her for continued professional development throughout life, both as a specialist doctor and as a responsible citizen.
5.2 Acknowledge responsibility for continuing professional development (CPD) in order to keep up to date with new developments and to maintain accreditation and meet statutory CPD requirements.
5.3 Identifies personal limitations and develops the capacity of self audit and participates in the peer review process, showing a willingness to seek help when necessary.

Integrated Assessment:

Integrated assessment is performed on a continuous basis through evaluation of performance in clinical practice. 

  • Neftaly Malatjie | CEO | SayPro
  • Email:
  • Call: + 27 84 313 7407
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