1. The steps of the advocacy process are explained correctly
Policies and procedures for the protection of clients are identified or created
2. Different viewpoint based on scientific reasoning regarding the development of primary health care nursing within an organisational structure are formulated
3. Health care in the primary health care environment is planned and managed according to the scientific method of nursing and within the scope of ethical norms.
4. Management of health issues will demonstrate a knowledge of legislation applicable to the primary health care environment.
Professional legislation is applied and interpreted appropriately.
1. Policies and procedures appropriate for the protection of the health of the community are identified or created.
An acceptable policy for a specific primary health are context is debated e.g. STD’s, AIDS etc
2. Health promotion programmes are based on a needs assessment and are relevant to and accepted by the community
A realistic health campaign e.g. on safety, prevention of HIV infection, etc. is planned.
3. Internationally recognised standards of health are used as a frame of reference
Programme(s) aimed at raising the health standards of the community are formulated.
4. Other sectors having an influence on health are correctly identified.
The need for and principles of inter-sectoral collaboration are identified and explained in the appropriate context.
5. Factors influencing policy and affecting the structure and functioning of primary health care services are identified.
Analysis of health trends is used a basis for planning of health service within the South African context
6. A project based on the principles of community development and empowerment is planned.
1. A knowledge of and correct use of relevant community resources is demonstrated e.g. as required within a case study of an individual or family.
2. Health data on individuals and aggregate groups is collated, interpreted and utilised on an ongoing basis in a manner which will enable the planning for optimal health.
3. Health data on individuals is collated and assessed by obtaining accepted subjective and objective data.
A diagnosis is made of common health complaints at primary health care level.
(primary, secondary and tertiary) within different environments.
Differentiation is made between conditions that are treatable at the primary level and those that need referral.
Health care is managed within the framework of the primary secondary and tertiary levels of prevention and according to the scientific method and within the scope of ethical norms.
Appropriate first responder care is demonstrated in emergency situations.
The community resources identified for utilisation in the various contexts are relevant in terms of clients needs.
4. The provision of information and counselling services is relevant in terms of the primary health nurse’s scope of practice.
5. Nursing interventions demonstrate an understanding and an appreciation of the psychosocial, cultural and spiritual variables influencing health care within the South African context.
1. The identification of research needs and opportunities demonstrate an understanding of the current health status of the community within the primary health environment.
2. The learner plans a research project based on scientific principles and focus on relevant primary health care issues.
3. The learner demonstrates an ability to identify factors which promote or threaten the health of man in the primary health care context.
Research articles are valuated critically.
4. Ethical principles applicable to nursing research are identified and applied where appropriate.
1. Opportunities for experiential learning are identified and utilised where appropriate.
The connection between nursing theory and practice is identified and promoted.
2. Primary health care service is summarised and analysed.
3. A primary health care is planned, using appropriate management principles
4. Issues responsive to primary health care management needs debated with the purpose of formulating realistic solutions within the current health care system.
5. Issues relevant to nursing management requiring the problem solving approach are identified and appropriate strategies are analysed and debated.
6. An activity is carried out based in accepted principles of marketing
7. A quality assurance programme is developed appropriate to the needs of the health service.
8. Factors influencing policy and affecting the structure and functioning of primary health services are identified.
Analysis of health trends is used as a basis for planning of a health service within an appropriate context.
Existing service standards are identified and analysed appropriately.
9. Evidence of networking within specified contexts e.g. attendance at a meeting e.g. relevant nursing society; snowball effect of networking in the research process.
Integrated assessment:
Continuous evaluation: [formative and summative evaluations]: projects, individual and group, portfolios, learning diaries, tests, written and oral, oral presentations, clinical assessments, workplace assessments, simulations, panel assessments.
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