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a). Specific assessment:
1. Carry out individual health assessment throughout the lifespan
Collect data
2. Observe and interpret data and recognise abnormalities
Recognise and deal with emergencies and refer appropriately
3. Give appropriate health education for identified self-care deficits
Demonstrate competency in nursing care activities related to basic needs
Use equipment and technology correctly and safely
4. Compare health status of the individual with baseline data
Implement modified interventions according to changing needs of the individual
Assist terminally ill to live until the end
5. Display effective written and verbal communication when interacting with patient family and members of the multi-disciplinary team and across the lifespan
Show consideration of cultural diversity in communication
Observe patients’ response to nurses’ communication
6. Demonstrate professional behaviour
Take responsibility and accountability within the limits of own competence and relevant scope of practice according to the requirements of relevant statutory bodies
Exercise judgement commensurate with knowledge and experience
7. Identify health related problems in the environment
Use knowledge and experience of environmental health to offer suggestions for solving health related problems in the community
8. Provide health education to the individual and family
Give appropriate and relevant health education to groups and individuals including the use of appropriate resources
9. Administer medication safely and correctly
Correct storage, safekeeping and recording of medication
Assess patients’ response to medication and make appropriate referrals
Practice within the relevant legislation and institutional policies
10. Assess factors which influence the growth of micro-organisms and the mode of spread of infections
Practice universal precautions in the prevention of transmission of infections during nursing care
11. Access the situation correctly
Give immediate appropriate and adequate first aid treatment
Refer patient where necessary to doctor / hospital
12. Assess nutritional requirement of individuals
Implement actions to meet the need for different types of diets/disease conditions
13. Apply correct terminology when referring to body structures and functions
Utilise knowledge of Anatomy & Physiology to identify and analyse the basic needs of individual e.g. need for nutrition, respiration, elimination, etc.
Perform procedures with insight to position and relations of organs of the body e.g. CPR, administration of injections
b). Critical cross-fields assessment:
1. –
Consult effectively refers and does follow-up
Works effectively in a team
Creates a supportive environment for colleagues and patients
Demonstrate the self-discipline necessary for studying
Assess own strengths and weaknesses and develop coping strategies appropriately
4. –
Communicate own ideas and provide supporting evidence in a sustained manner
Recognise own communication limitations and problems and seek help appropriately
Use equipment and technology in health settings safely, appropriately and ethically
Use scientific method of investigation, testing and evaluation in nursing
Show respect and openness towards the physical environment
Demonstrate knowledge and experience of their individual and professional situations
Draw upon their prior knowledge (personal and professional) as appropriate when investigating and analysing the health fields around them
Recognise and treat patients as psycho-social spiritual persons
Integrated assessment:
Formative assessment:
Learning and assessment are integrated. The scheme of work includes assignments, clinical laboratory work and competency evaluation of clinical skills. The process is continuous and focuses on small sections of the works and limited numbers of outcomes
Summative assessment:
Summative assessments test the student’s ability to manage and integrate a large body of knowledge and to achieve the stated outcomes of the programme. The summative assessment also focuses on the student’s ability to integrate knowledge and skills in the practical health care and related situations. Summative written examinations are set and examined by SANC and practical examination by Grey’s/Northdale Campus on behalf of the South African Nursing CouncilĀ
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