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SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516617168

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1.1 Assessment and diagnosis:
Do the following assessments:
Community and environmental assessment;
Family assessment;
Individual health assessment (throughout the lifespan);
Assessment in an emergency.

Make the following diagnosis:
Individual diagnosis: Deviations from normal, and health behaviours (those promoting health and illness);
Diagnose common minor physical ailments and emergencies; and
Diagnose common physical illnesses (acute and chronic).

1.2 Communication and interpersonal skills:
Communicate in an acceptable and effective way across the cultural spectrum.
Give appropriate and relevant health education effectively to groups and individuals including the use of resources.
Communicate effectively with all age groups and with people having mental and physical disabilities.
Consult effectively, refer and follow-up.
Demonstrate communication and interpersonal skills in interaction with:
* Physically ill patients;
* Partners in health care; and
* Stakeholders and partners in communities.
Work effectively in a team.
Create a supportive environment for colleagues and patients.
Work effectively as a group participant.

1.3 Problem-solving and critical thinking:
Raise and explore questions:
* Identify problems; and
* Distinguish between problems within the scope of practice and those in need of referral.
Select the best alternative for a problem.
Evaluate the results of the alternative implemented together with relevant role players.
Apply problem-solving skills related to:
* Situations where patients are physically ill;
* Partner in health care; and
* Stakeholders and partners in communities.

1.4 Planning:
Facilitate and negotiate realistic and contextualised health and nursing care plans for the:
* Individual (health or minor illness);
* Family;
* Person with a disability; and
* Person with a physical illness.
Design and prepare a teaching plan with active involvement of the individual/family, to meet the individual’s family’s learning needs for participating in own care in a variety of settings.
Outline the referral line including procedures for accessing the referral system both within the health institution and in communities.
Manage and/or refer emergencies appropriately.

1.5 Implementation:
Uphold Batho Pele principles during implementation of nursing and health care plans.
Implement a promotive/preventive intervention plan for an individual, a family, a group and a community.
Implement a nursing and health care plan for:
* Physically ill patients;
* Groups (vulnerable, risk groups); and
* Communities.

1.6 Evaluation:
Evaluate the process and outcome of implementation of care plans of individuals, families and communities.

1.7 Use of technology:
Use equipment and technology in health settings safely, appropriately and ethically.
Creatively improvise when technology is lacking.
Apply technology skills to nursing and other procedures related to:
* Physical ill patients;
* Groups (vulnerable, risk groups);
* Communities;
* Service rendering.

2. Documentation, reporting and information use:
Use professional nomenclature appropriately in written and verbal communication.
Keep clear, accurate and complete records.
Disseminate documented information to colleagues and other stakeholders using relevant channels.

3. Management of emergency and disaster situations:
Compile an appropriate emergency care and lifesaving plan for an individual, a family, a group or a community.
Compile an appropriate post-disaster plan for a community.

4. Management of patient and community care, resources, resource mobilisation and leading or participating in multidisciplinary and intersectoral teams:
Manage patient care.
Manage unit care:
* Personnel;
* Equipment;
* Supplies;
* Health data; and
* Service delivery.
Assure quality of a health service unit, and plan, organise, implement and evaluate innovative actions for the promotion of its quality.
Apply the principles of primary health care in the management of a comprehensive health care service.
Participate in the setting of standards for health care delivery.

5. Establishment and sustaining of partnerships and alliances, development of collaboration and networking strategies, mechanisms and processes:
Establish a partnership with a community or group.
Develop collaboration and networking strategies in partnership.
Apply the PHC approach and strategies in promoting community participation and collaboration.

6. Accountability and responsibility for own practice, and others’ performance, identification and exploration of new roles:
Limit scope of practice to scope of competence.
Demonstrate accountability for practice.
Demonstrate ethical behaviour in own practice.
Contribute constructively to professional, work and community settings.
Pursue excellence and originality in own work and support these qualities in the work of others.
Identify the rights of nurses and the nursing profession.
Respond creatively to the health care needs of societies.
Identify and explore new roles for nurses in a changing health environment.

7. Professional development opportunities, learning needs and health behaviour:
Professional development
Demonstrate awareness of personal values, strengths, abilities and aspirations, and an understanding of how these will influence future options and opportunities.
Demonstrate awareness of the available range of personal and career opportunities.
Demonstrate knowledge of a variety of workplaces and the roles, skills and abilities of colleagues and other members of the health team.
Take responsibility to ensure continuous professional competence.
Engage constructively in positive change and transformation.

Learning needs
Assess own learning needs through self-reflection and criticism.
Set appropriate goals for learning, make realistic plans and keep track of an evaluate progress.
Identify variety of resources to improve own skills and knowledge.
Develop personnel professional portfolios of documented evidence of professional progress and experience.

Health behaviour
Use self-knowledge as a basis for decision-making.
Demonstrate ability to reflect on experience and learn from it.
Make informed choices that will contribute to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.

8. Principles of the advocacy process, knowledge about clients’/patients’ rights and their application to health care:
Advocate for the rights of individuals, families and communities.
Identify and utilise relevant social and political networks.

9. Human rights in the workplace, occupational health and protection of workers’ rights, and acquaintance with the role of labour organisations:
Employees and clients/patients:
Utilise a policy document to protect the rights of employees and clients/patients.
Maintain good labour relations.

Integrated assessment:

Continuous integrated assessment by self, peers and facilitators by way of project presentations, case management reports, discussion, journal writing, simulations, portfolios, clinical workbooks and checklists.
Standardised marking of, and feedback on assignments, projects, tests and examinations.
Written and oral test and examinations moderated by qualified academics.
Clinical competency test.
Workplace assessments and practica.
Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE) in simulation and clinical practice.
Objective Structured Physical Examinations (OSPE) in simulation and clinical practice.

The following quality assurance procedures form part of the overall evaluation and accreditation system:
Internal examiners and moderators;
External moderators;
Accreditation requirements and guidelines of the SA Nursing Council; and
Requirements and guidelines of the higher education quality assurance bodies. 

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Neftaly Malatjie

Email: Call/WhatsApp: + 27 84 313 7407

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