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1-8. Assessment Criteria
Provider / Facilitator / Collaborator Role:
During placement in the community and/or a health care facility, a learner should be able to:-
Conduct an environmental assessment
Collect and analyse data as part of epidemiological research
Assess basic needs of a “healthy” individual
Diagnose health deviations
Identify factors that can cause harm to the health of an individual
Assess and diagnose conditions that constitute minor emergencies
Assess and diagnose the need for rehabilitation
Professional Role:
The learner should be able to:-
Display an understanding of the philosophy and values underpinning the practise of nursing
Display an understanding of policies and legislation of health services
Apply the principles of primary health care in assessing individual, family and community basic needs
Display accountability on a basic level related to her scope of practise
Identify and document learning needs and evidence of professional progress and be able to reflect on her future workplace options and opportunities
Identify criteria for the nursing profession
Identify the rights and responsibilities of nurses
Identify professional development indicators
Advocacy Role:
The learner should be able to:-
Demonstrate understanding of the principles of advocacy process in the health care setting
Identify client/groups/societal needs, which would benefit from facilitation and support
Identify clients’ rights in the health care setting
Demonstrate knowledge of the constitutional rights of clients
Apply the principles of advocacy in support and the protection of a client’s human rights in the health care setting
Identifies the clients’ rights to participation in the health care process
Use appropriate technological processes to teach the clients to recognise their rights and exercise their responsibility relating to these rights
Demonstrate an understanding of the purpose, functions and characteristics of labour organisations/representative organisations
Recognise, explore personal and professional values as reflected in professional codes, in nursing and public legislation and policies
Identify technologies utilised in the advocacy process
9-11. Assessment Criteria
Provider / Facilitator / Collaborator Role
The learner should be able to:-
Facilitate and negotiate realistic and contextualised health + nursing care plan for a/an:
– healthy individual
– healthy families
– healthy community
Design and prepare a teaching plan for + with active involvement of the individual and/or family regarding basic health needs
Outline the referral line including procedures for accessing the referral system both within the health institution and in the communities (for basic needs)
Manage minor emergencies and refer appropriately
Draw up proposals for the establishment/modification of a health service
Advocacy Role:
In the planning of nursing care for individuals, families and communities, the learner should be able to:-
Display understanding of the professional responsibility for advocacy for human rights in health care settings.
Provider / Facilitator / Collaborator Role
The learner should be able to:-
Uphold Batho Pele principles during implementation of nursing and health care plans
Implement a promotive/preventive intervention plan for individuals of all age groups for basic needs
Perform tasks within scope of practise so that the implementation of nursing and health care plans are facilitated
Professional Role:
The learner should be able to:-
Maintain professional excellence, credibility and competence ? continuing education for personal growth and development
Keep a professional performance diary/journal
Clarify her personal values, etc. and the values of the nursing profession
Be aware of her own lifestyle / health behaviours / beliefs
Apply the concept of decision-making with regards to her health and well-being
Utilise professional development indicators in nursing practice
Provider/facilitator/Collaborator Role
The learner should be able to:-
Evaluate the process and outcome of basic nursing care
1-6. Assessment Criteria:
Provider / Facilitator / Collaborator Role
During placement in the community, general health facility and/or midwifery health unit, a learner should be able to:-
Conduct a comprehensive (preventive, curative and rehabilitative) health assessment and diagnosis of individuals, families, groups and communities in a variety of settings (both institutional and non-institutional) in which nursing takes place, including:
– the healthy antenatal woman
– the healthy post-natal woman
– the healthy neonate
– general nursing (uncomplicated medical and surgical nursing conditions)
– clients with communicable diseases
– reproductive health
– psychosocial issues
– the pre-school child
– woman’s health
emergency situations
Professional Role:
The learner should be able to:-
Use professional knowledge to assess clinical nursing requirements
Identify own, peer and client learning needs
Assess and monitor nursing care plans within parameters of expected expertise
Identify resources for referral of clients
Assess own nursing care workload
Identify safety and equipment deficits in the health unit
Identify wasteful and costly use of resources
Advocacy Role:
The learner should be able to:-
Identify contemporary health issues
Identify reproductive health issues
Identify woman’s health issues
7-11. Assessment Criteria
Provider / Facilitator / Collaborator Role
The learner should be able to:-
Facilitate and negotiate realistic and contextualised health and nursing care plans for:
– the uncomplicated antenatal woman
– the uncomplicated post-natal woman
– the healthy neonate
– patients with uncomplicated medical and surgical conditions
– clients with communicable diseases
– reproductive health issues
– psychosocial issues
– the pre-school child
– woman’s health
– emergency situations
Design client – focused teaching plans for/in collaboration with above mentioned client(s)
Outline referral line procedures for accessing the referral system both within the health system and in communities
Assist with the drawing up of proposals for community health, hospital based health units and midwifery nursing services
Participate in the collaboration with client(s) and stake holders in developing financial plans for health care programmes
Professional Role:
The learner should be able to:-
Demonstrate knowledge of “planning of/for change and transformation leadership”
Advocacy Role:
In the planning of nursing care for individuals, families and communities, the learner should be able to:-
Display understanding of the professional responsibility for advocacy in the case of human rights in health care settings
Demonstrate knowledge regarding ethical concepts relating to advocacy
Demonstrate knowledge of the implications of relevant legislation on the professional advocacy role
Critically analyse the impact of human rights violations on health
Demonstrate knowledge of the rights of workers and providers in the workplace
Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of negotiating for workers’ rights
Demonstrate an understanding of techniques for promotion of safety in the workplace
Provider / Facilitator / Collaborator Role
The learner should be able to:-
Uphold Batho Pele principles during implementation of nursing and health care plans
Implement a promotive/preventive intervention plan for families, groups and the uncomplicated antenatal and post-natal client and neonate to promote health and prevent physical illness
Implement a nursing and health care plan for physically ill patients
Professional Role:
The learner should be able to:-
Use principles of teaching and learning when delivering health education to patients and peers
Demonstrate an understanding of nursing in South Africa, taking into account the history and socio-economics
Display an understanding of policies and legislation of health services
Demonstrate accountability for practice
Demonstrate ethical behaviour in own practice by working within the multidisciplinary team (as a novice)
Display evidence of pursuing excellence and originality in own work
Show an understanding of career opportunities in nursing
Display knowledge of the role of the nurse in various health settings
Identify own learning needs by evaluating own practice
Ability to utilise available technology to improve practice and service
Document professional progress effectively
Demonstrate in practice the utilisation of informed choice
Advocacy Role:
The learner should be able to:-
Utilise principles in the ethical code to advocate for improvement in health care
Protect all clients from human rights violation
Participate in the development, implementation and evaluation of policy aimed at upholding clients’ rights
Utilise appropriate technology in the advocacy process
Provider / Facilitator / Collaborator Role
The learner should be able to:-
Evaluate the process and outcome of the implementation of care for:
– Physically ill patients
– The uncomplicated antenatal, post-natal and neonatal client
1-6. Assessment Criteria
Provider / Facilitator / Collaborator Role
During placement in the community, general health facility and/or midwifery health unit, a learner should be able to:-
Conduct a comprehensive (preventive, curative and rehabilitative) health assessment and diagnosis of individuals, families, groups and communities in a variety of settings (both institutional and non-institutional) in which nursing takes place, including:
– the individual with a physical illness
– the uncomplicated pregnant client during labour
– the high risk pregnant client during the antenatal, labour and post-natal period
– the individual with a disability
– the high risk neonate
– the school child
– occupational health clients
– the mental health of a client
Assess operational management needs of the health unit
Professional Role:
The learner should be able to:-
Use professional knowledge to assess, plan, implement and evaluate nursing practice
Assess staff development needs
Assist the multidisciplinary team to analyse problems and reach solutions
Advocacy Role:
The learner should be able to:-
Assess nursing practice for cultural insensitivity that could hinder nursing care
Provider / Facilitator / Collaborator Role:
The learner should be able to:-
Facilitate and negotiate realistic and contextualised health and nursing care plans for:
– neonate with medical/surgical problems;
– the individual with a physical illness
– the uncomplicated pregnant client during labour
– the high risk pregnant client during the antenatal, labour and post-natal period
– the individual with a disability
Design client – focused teaching plans for/in collaboration with above mentioned client(s)
Outline referral line procedures for accessing the referral system both within the health system and in communities
Draw up proposals for community health, hospital based health units and midwifery nursing services
Collaborate with client(s) and stakeholders in developing financial plans for health care programmes
Participate in the formulation of financial policies in health care settings
Participate in the formulation of institutional and community health service policies
Plan, organise and delegate work to achieve objectives of the organisation/institution
Maintain morale of health unit team by:
– scheduling work allocation
– planning the management of change
– planning a culture of resource management
– planning regular meeting schedule with all staff categories
Professional Role:
The learner should be able to:-
Plan patient care plans to support the delivery of nursing care while ensuring patient and staff safety needs
Devise plans to implement new nursing practices
Plan staff development programmes in collaboration with all stakeholders
Advocacy Role:
In the planning of nursing care for individuals, families and communities, the learner should be able to:-
Demonstrate knowledge of conflict resolution process for individuals / family / groups / communities
11-14. Assessment Criteria
Provider/facilitator/Collaborator Role
The learner should be able to:-
Supervise work allocation and resource management
Implement meeting schedules
Professional Role:
The learner should be able to:-
Use performance appraisals to identify strengths and limitations in order to identify areas for staff development
Implement staff development programmes
Propose interventions reflecting sound, up to date professional knowledge
Seek knowledge from colleagues and others to improve nursing practice
Develop policies, procedures and guidelines for patient care
Develop sound labour relations while ensuring that the care environment is safe and managed efficiently
Delegate nursing tasks appropriately and accepts responsibility for the delegated work
Demonstrate proficiency with documentation as proscribed by policy of the organisation / institution and/or nursing legislation
Record critical incidents/events effectively and monitors outcomes of such events
Work without immediate supervision and asks for help/guidance when necessary
Lead effectively in emergencies
Advocacy Role:
The learner should be able to:-
Maintain professional confidentiality
Promote an inclusive approach to all cultural groups/diversity
Take firm action to prevent discrimination and harassment in the work place
Act as the client/patients advocate where appropriate
Demonstrate awareness of ethical/legal implications in implementing patient care
Intervene to protect clients/patients/staff from violation of their human rights as well as unethical behaviour from others
Provider / Facilitator / Collaborator Role:
The learner should be able to:-
Evaluate the process and outcome of the implementation of nursing care plans for midwifery/ medical/ surgical patients in collaboration with patients and families.
Evaluate the process and outcomes of the implementation of nursing care plans to meet the health needs of the community in collaboration with the communities
Professional Role:
The learner should be able to:-
Promote research based on clinical data and patient care
Evaluate critical incidents and implements recommendations
Evaluate relevance of new nursing practices and implications of implementation on nursing strategy
Accept accountability and responsibility for nursing practice and management skills within the context of scope of practice
Advocacy Role:
The learner should be able to:-
Monitor the response to the above programmes
Critically analyse issues related to the advocacy role with emphasis on Occupational Health and Midwifery
1-7. Assessment Criteria
Provider / Facilitator / Collaborator Role
During placement in the community and/or a psychiatry health unit, the learner should be able to:-
Conduct a comprehensive (preventive, curative and rehabilitative) health assessment and diagnosis of individuals, families, groups and communities in a variety of settings (both institutional and non-institutional) in which nursing takes place, including:
– community and environmental profiling
– epidemiological surveys
– physical and mental health status
Professional Role:
The learner should be able to:-
Conduct a cost-analysis of a health care programme in hospital and community health care settings (both institutional and non-institutional)
Identify learning needs/deficits for improving clinical practica and enhancing professional knowledge
Conduct peer review assessments
Advocacy Role:
The learner should be able to:-
Critically analyse issues related to the advocacy role with emphasis on psychiatric nursing clients and community health related issues:
– involves the ability to conduct assessment and supportive interviews
Assess the need for collaborative intervention for identified cultural and ethical needs
Provider / Facilitator / Collaborator Role
The learner should be able to:-
Facilitate and negotiate realistic and contextualised health and nursing care plans for:
– community health problems
– individuals with mental/psychiatric problems
– families with mental/psychiatric problems
Design client – focused teaching plans for/in collaboration with above mentioned client(s)
Outline referral line procedures for accessing the referral system both within the health system and in communities
Draw up proposals for community health and psychiatric nursing services
Collaborate with client(s) and stakeholders in developing financial plans for health care programmes
Participate in the formulation of financial policies in health care settings
Participate in the formulation of institutional and community health service policies
Compile an appropriate emergency/life-saving plan for individuals, families, groups and communities
Compile an appropriate post-disaster plan for a community
Professional Role:
The learner should be able to:-
Design and negotiate realistic educational programmes to meet identified educational needs for peers and self.
Plan schedules for peer review assessments In the planning of nursing care for individuals, families and communities
Advocacy Role:
The learner should be able to:-
Collaborate with stakeholders in designing programmes to meet cultural and ethical needs
8-14. Assessment Criteria
Provider / Facilitator / Collaborator Role
The learner should be able to demonstrate ability to:-
Initiate action to encourage Batho Pele principles.
Implement a promotive and/or preventive plan to address the health needs of psychiatric patients/clients as well as communities with health related problems in collaboration with client(s) and/or stakeholders.
Implement a treatment and rehabilitation nursing health care plan for the health needs and/or problems of the broader community and psychiatric patients.
Participate in quality assurance programmes in community and psychiatric settings (both institutional and non-institutional).
Facilitate change and transformation in the health sector with specific reference to:
– psychiatric nursing settings (community and hospital-based)
– community settings
Participate with communities, stakeholders and/or other health professionals in management of emergency situations
Professional Role:
The learner should be able to demonstrate ability to:-
Participate and initiate quality assurance programmes in various community and psychiatric nursing settings (both institutional and non-institutional).
Implements the following programmes:
– educational programmes for peers and self directed learning
– peer review assessments
Advocacy Role:
The learner should be able to:-
Advocate/motivate for adequate resources for the promotion of health and prevention of illness as evidenced by community and health service assessment
Implement programmes to meet cultural and ethical needs of stakeholders
Maintain professional confidentiality
Promote an inclusive approach to all cultural groups/diversity
Take firm action to prevent discrimination and harassment in the work place
Demonstrate awareness of ethical/legal implications in implementing patient care
Intervene to protect clients/patients/staff from violation of their human rights as well as unethical behaviour from others.
Provider / Facilitator / Collaborator Role:
The learner should be able to demonstrate ability to:-
Evaluate the process and outcome of the implementation of nursing care plans for psychiatric patients in collaboration with patients and families
Evaluate the process and outcomes of the implementation of nursing care plans to meet the health needs of the community in collaboration with the communities
Professional Role:
The learner should be able to:-
Participate in reviewing of effectiveness of quality assurance programmes in community and psychiatric nursing settings (both institutional and non-institutional)
Evaluates the response to the educational programmes
Advocacy Role:
The learner should be able to:-
Monitors the response to above programmes
Critical Cross-Fields:
Exit Level Assessment Criteria:
Utilise effective communication skills/ technology across the cultural spectrum amongst various sectors and the multidisciplinary team.
Give appropriate health related education to individuals, families, groups and communities based on identified health information needs.
Use professional nomenclature in written and verbal communication.
Keep clear, accurate and complete records of patient and/or client care.
Write reports for various audiences.
Disseminate documented information, where appropriate, to colleagues and other relevant stakeholder in an ethical manner.
Confer with and refer to team members about nursing and health concerns.
2. Demonstrate ability to critically reflect on own practice as a nurse by:
– Raising and exploring questions
– Identifying problems and distinguishing between problems within the scope of practice, including those that need referral
– Selecting the best alternative for a problem
– Evaluate the results of the alternative implemented together with relevant role players
– Apply problem-solving skills related to psychiatric nursing situations, partners in health care, stakeholders and partners in communities (community and environmental issues)
3. Demonstrate ability to:
Collaborate and consult with the multidisciplinary team and other stakeholders including communities in the assessment, diagnosis, planning and evaluation of the nursing care aimed at prevention, promotion, treatment and rehabilitation of individuals, families, groups and communities
Demonstrate understanding of the role of the other stakeholders in health care by establishing and maintaining partnerships with relevant stakeholders and communities in the application of PHC approach and principles in the nursing care of psychiatric patients and communities
Establish inter-professional and inter-sectoral relationships through networking and forming alliances with key players in dealing with community health issues and demands
Assume leadership role as well as function effectively as a team member
4. Demonstrate ability to:
Use a wide range of processes, techniques, tools and materials to gather information, solve problems, create and evaluate products as well as communicate results
Use equipment and technology in health settings safely, appropriately and ethically
Creatively improvise when technology is lacking
Apply/utilize technology appropriate to the identified need of the client(s):
– In psychiatry
– In midwifery
– The broader community
5. Demonstrate ability to:
Identify nursing and health problems on which research is needed
Initiate and design a research plan
Implement planned research activities
Disseminate results – written and verbal presentation
Interpret and facilitate utilization of research-based information in own practice
6. Demonstrate ability to:
Apply principles of advocacy in support and protection of clients = human rights in the provision and facilitation of nursing care
Understand the concepts of clients = rights in the health care settings, including Bill of Rights and SANC policies
Disseminate information about human rights to the clients of nursing
Understand the purpose, functions and characteristics of labour/representative organisations for the protection of the rights and interests of health workers and employers
7. Demonstrate ability to:
Examine own values, strengths, abilities and aspirations in terms of their influence on future options and opportunities
Explore and evaluate available career and professional development opportunities
Voluntarily participate in professional development activities
8. Demonstrate ability to:
Reflect on own learning
Identify own learning needs
Identify, effectively access and utilize resources (literature, technological and human) to meet identified learning needs
Design realistic plans for meeting identified learning needs
Implement plans for meeting identified learning needs
Willingly subject his/her views and learning to validation by others through shared reflection
Critically analyse his/her meaning perspectives about health and illness in order to affirm and/or transform same
Continuous assessment
A variety of methods are used with constructive feedback to assist the learner to master theory and practica skills in order to achieve their maximum potential.
Comprehensive evaluation of nursing through assessment at workplace and practica
Written examinations
Case studies and case presentations
Clinical and academic ward rounds
Ward inspections
Clinical workbooks
Community projects and seminars
Journal assessment and self-evaluation
Peer group and preceptor evaluation
Competency evaluation of clinical skills
Problem-based solving strategies
Community participation
Formative assessment:
Credit assessment for theory and practica contributes 50% to the final assessment mark.
Summative assessment:
Formal university moderated assessments. Final examinations (both theoretical and practical) for each subject and at each exit level will be implemented prior to entrance to next level of training programme.
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