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1.1.1 Relevant safety legislation and procedures are complied with.
1.1.2 Relevant operating manuals and procedures are adhered to.
1.1.3 Code of ethics is complied with.
2.1.1 The role of the learner in the organization is recognised.
2.1.2 A work schedule/research proposal is planned and written according to guidelines given by superiors.
2.2.1 Allocated tasks/planned experiments are performed satisfactorily.
2.2.2 Instructions/guidance given by superiors is followed.
2.3.1 Report on work/research project reflects understanding of subject area.
2.3.2 Report is compiled under appropriate headings and in acceptable format.
2.3.3 Findings are effectively and clearly communicated.
2.4.1 Findings/report are presented orally and visually to an appropriate audience.
2.4.2 Interpretation of findings is logically and clearly presented.
3.1.1 Superiors are satisfied about learner’s compliance with instructions.
3.2.1 Correct channels of communication in the workplace are followed.
3.3.1 Problems are recognised and problem-solving strategies are used to meet the challenges.
3.4.1 Participation in group work is practised and assessed.
3.4.2 Communication with colleagues is effective.
3.4.3 Codes of practice are complied with.
4.1.1 Relevant equipment and material supplies are sourced.
4.1.2 Quotes and specs on desired equipment and materials are obtained.
4.1.3 Appropriate suppliers are selected.
4.1.4 Purchases are requested according to appropriate procedures.
4.2.1 Hazards in the workplace are recognised.
4.2.2 Risk associated with hazards is assessed.
4.2.3 Appropriate precautions are taken to avoid exposure of self and others to risk.
4.3.1 Appropriate legislation and regulations are complied with.
4.3.2 Environment is considered in practice.
4.3.3 Respect for other cultures and norms is shown.
4.4.1 Capability to work independently is exhibited.
4.4.2 Responsible use of science and technology is exhibited.
4.5.1 Information is sourced and accessed.
4.5.2 Reliability of information is assessed.
4.5.3 The desire to explain cause-effect relationships is exhibited.
4.5.4 The desire for lifelong learning and of how communication, work ethic, and experience can improve development of people and organisations is exhibited.
Integrated assessment:
Formative assessment:
workplace evaluation by peers and supervisors
project proposals
work schedule evaluations
reports on tasks and projects
Summative assessment:
workplace evaluation by supervisors
project reports
oral presentations
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