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SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516619056

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Critical Crossfield

1. Demonstrate ability to reflect on practice; identity skills and knowledge used, identify strengths/weakness and capabilities and her/his role in a group.
2. Identity her role within I) multidisciplinary health team. Collaborate activities towards the achievement of the outcome of the benefit for the client
3. Able to respond to non-verbal cues
Able to utilize verbal responses when communicating to clients
Ability to document and report on interventions.
4. Demonstrate competency in utilizing equipment for patient care
Keep abreast with changes
5. Ability to solve problems creatively
Ability to demonstrate a critical evaluation of professional issues based on different ways of knowing.
6. Analyse and apply relevant professional codes
Recognize and analyse ethical issues in nursing practice
Develop an awareness of resources that can help resolve ethical issues across society health care.


1. Collect and analyse information
2. Utilize and interpret information against a body of scientific knowledge
3. Formulate individualized nursing and health care diagnosis
4. Identity areas for improving the quality of health care
5. Identify health indicators and risk factors

Assessment criteria for assessment

1. Comprehensive community and environmental assessment;
2. Epidemiological assessment;
3. Comprehensive family assessment;
4. Individual health assessment (throughout the life span)
5. Mental health assessment;
6. Functional status assessment;
7. Rehabilitation assessment;
8. Ante-natal assessment
9. Progress of labour assessment;
10. Assessment of the newborn;
11. Post-natal assessment;
12. Rehabilitation assessment;
13. Service assessment;
14. Risk assessment; and
15. Assessment in an emergency.

Assessment criteria for diagnosis

1. Community and environmental diagnosis;
2. Family diagnosis;
3. Individual diagnosis;
4. Deviations from normal, and
5. Health behaviours (those promoting health and illness);
6. Mental health diagnosis of most common mental illnesses;
7. Rehabilitation diagnosis;
8. Midwifery/neonatal diagnosis;
9. Service diagnosis (eg. Under-or over utilisation of facilities, accessibility and affordability).
10. Diagnose common minor physical ailments and emergencies;
11. Diagnose common physical illnesses (acute and chronic)


1. Outline and document plan according to priorities
2. Short term
Long term and be specific about time frames
3. Identify areas for client teaching/leaming, and be sensitive to cultural sensitivity
4. Apply personnel management and budgetary principles
5. Determine clients nursing goal in collaboration with clients and other members of health team.

Assessment criteria for planning

Facilitate and negotiate realistic and contextualized health and nursing care plans for a/an:

1. Individuals (health or minor illness), family and communities
2. Family,
3. Community,
4. Person with a mental illness,
5. Person with a disability,
6. Midwifery patient (including neonate), and
7. Person with physical illness.

Design and prepare a teaching plan with active involvement of the individual/family, to meet the individual ‘s family ‘s learning needs for participating in own care in a variety of settings.

Outline the referral line including procedures for accessing the referral system both within the health institution and in communities.

Manage and/or refer emergencies appropriately;

Draw up proposals for a service

Core competencies for implementation

1.Perform interventions in collaboration with clients with active involvement of clients and other members of health team

2.Develop clients discharge

3.Plan in collaboration with clients and other stakeholders

4.Facilitate a therapeutic environment for the various needs of clients

5.Communicate clients needs for continuity across contexts.

Assessment criteria for implementation

1. Uphold Batho Pele principles during implementation of nursing and health care plans.
2. Implement a promotive/preventive intervention plan for an individual, a family and a community.
3. Design and develop a plan for counselling and continued interpersonal communication with an individual, a family and a community.
4.Implemented a nursing and health care plan for:
Physically ill patients,
Psychiatric and mentally ill patients,
Midwifery patients,
Groups (Vulnerable, risk groups), and

Core competencies for communication and interpersonal skill

1.Demonstrate listening and reflecting both content and feeling components.
2. Ability to use questioning skills and manage silences
3. Demonstrate empathy and sympathy appropriately
4. Demonstrate assertiveness and manage conflict
5. Counsel, individuals, families and communities
6. Work within a multi-disciplinary context

Assessment criteria for interpersonal skills

1. Communicate in an acceptable and effective way across the cultural spectrum.
2. Give appropriate and relevant health education effectively to groups and individuals including the use of resources.
3. Communicate effectively with all age groups and with people having mental and physical disabilities.
4. Counsel individuals/groups
5. Consult effectively, refer and follow up.
6. Demonstrate communication and interpersonal skills in interaction with individuals , Families, groups, and communities:
Psychiatric settings,
Midwifery settings,
Medical and surgical settings
7. Work effectively in a team.
8. Resolve conflict constructively
9. Create a supportive environment for colleagues and patients.

Core competencies for problem solving and critical thinking

1. Apply problem solving process in approaching nursing care and other health related problems within context
2. Apply strategic thinking skills
3. Challenge taken for granted assumptions and notions
4. Demonstrate contextual sensitivity
5. Explore alternatives and enquire actively

Assessment criteria for problem-solving and critical thinking

1. Raise and explore questions:
Identify problems, and
Distinguish between problems within the scope of practice and those in need of referral.
2. Select the best alternative for a problem;
3. Evaluate the results of the alternative implemented together with relevant role players;
4. Apply problem-solving skills related to:
Psychiatric nursing situations,
Situations where patients are physically ill,
Partners in health care,
Stakeholders and partners in communities, and
Community and environmental issues.

Core competencies for evaluation

Monitor progress and outcome of interventions on the physical, psychological and psychosocial well-being of individuals, families and communities within health institutions and in other settings.

Formulate and revise nursing interventions through comprehensive and continuing assessment.

Review the priorities, objectives and nursing interventions for their relevance, appropriateness and
currency, based on the assessment and evaluation of the health status, capacity and potential of individuals, families and communities.

Assessment criteria for evaluation

Evaluate the process and outcome of implementation of care plans of individuals, families and communities.

Core competencies for use of technology

Utilise technology appropriately for needs of assessment, planning, implementation, evaluation of
health care and service delivery.

Assessment criteria for the use of technology

1. Use a wide range of processes, techniques, tools and materials to gather information, solve problems, create and evaluate products and to communicate results.

2. Use equipment and technology in health settings safely, appropriately and ethically.

Core competencies for emergency care

1. Collaborate with health team members to map out and implement a strategy for classigying the needs for care in emergency and disaster situations for individuals, families and communities.

2. Participate in the development of a data base on emergency and disaster management.

3. Demonstrate knowledge, skills and understanding of the physical, psychological and emotional
responses, as well as the immediate needs of individuals, families and communities facing emergencies and disasters.

4. Apply the principles of crisis intervention theories and the principles of PHC in educating, teaching,
counselling and managing the emergency care of individuals, families and communities.

Assessment criteria for emergency care

1. Compile an appropriate emergency care and life-saving plan for an individual, a family, a group or
a community.

2. Compile an appropriate post disaster plan for a community.

3. Participate with communities and other stakeholders in the management of emergency situations as
well as in the determination of the roles of various groups in emergency or disaster situations.



To collaborate as a member of the health care team

Assessment criteria

To collaborate as a member of the health care team and in establishing partnerships by:-

1. Demonstrating the ability to develop effective teams by interacting with colleagues and communities towards goal achievement
2. Working effectively as part of a team which includes community members, and local authority
councillors, NGOs and staff from other sectors.


To be able to function in accordance with legislation and common law effecting nursing practice.

Assessment criteria

1. Demonstrate knowledge of legislation
2. Identify an unsafe practice and responds appropriately
3. To conduct nursing practice that can be ethically justified.

To conduct nursing practice that can be ethically justified.
Assessment criteria

1. Apply professional and ethical practice by: functioning in accordance with legislation and common law affecting nursing practice.
2. Protecting the rights of individuals, families and communities in relation to health care
3. Accepting accountability and responsibility for own actions within nursing practice.
4. Maintaining himself/herself competently as a member of the health care team in primary,
secondary and tertiary health care settings as a nurse (general, community, psychiatric and midwife)

Developed both as person and profession who contributes to the social and economic development of the society at large.
Assessment criteria

1. Collaborate and co-ordinate community development projects. Organize community involvement and participation.

2. Participate in conferences and other organised student activities locally and nationally. Demonstrate awareness of the available range of personal and career opportunities
3. Plan implement interventions which demonstrate cultural and aesthetic sensitivity in a multicultural setting

To manage a health care unit as a practitioner by applying management concepts and theories to enhance her functioning.
Assessment criteria

1. Assure quality of health service unit, and plan organise, implement and evaluate actions based on research.

2. Apply the principles of primary health care in the management of a comprehensive health care
3. Creating an environment conducive to learning for both staff and students in accordance with identified needs.

4. Providing health teaching to individuals, families and communities to promote, maintain and restore health

5.Evaluating the outcomes of learning in clinical and patient education situations.

6. Manage patient care

7. Manage unit care
*Health data
*Service delivery

Integrated assessment:

Integrated assessment: sampling from the following domains: knowledge, clinical judgement of psychomotor skills, communication skills and attitude to ensure a competent practitioner in general, midwifery, psychiatric and community practice.

The following formative assessment strategies will be used:-

critical incidents
anecdotal reports
peer review
self assessment
case presentation
clinical work books
any other creative form of assessment

Summative Assessment:

written examination(s)
practical examinations
oral examination(s) 

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Neftaly Malatjie

Email: Call/WhatsApp: + 27 84 313 7407

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