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SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516619333

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The student will provide evidence of competencies, knowledge and attitudes through:

Utilising the psychological framework for understanding human behaviour and implications for the educational process.
Applying the knowledge of behavioural dynamics, physical, psychological, cognitive and moral development in education.
Enhancing learning and motivation in learners.
Measuring learning outcomes through formative and summative assessment
Utilising teaching strategies that can enhance retention and learning.
Integrating the information-processing model in planning of teaching strategies.
Exhibiting the characteristics and skills of a learning accompanist.
Applying the principles of adult learning to facilitate deep holistic life-long learning.
Utilising the characteristics of adult learning in creating an andragogic didactic context.
Participating in informal and formal education activities on a continuous basis.
Applying a variation of teaching strategies, methods and aids during learning accompaniment.
Discussing constructivist perspective of learning.
Creating a context conducive to learning.
Facilitating empowerment in self and other health science educators.
Explaining the process of curriculum development within the context of health science education.
Disseminating and implementing health science curricula.
Evaluating existing health science curricula.

Implementing the principles of the national health plan of South Africa in rendering health services to individuals, groups and the community.
Formulating and integrating a philosophy in the health science unit/clinic.
Explaining management, unit management and the management process.
Evaluating and formulating policies and procedures for a health service unit/clinic.
Implementing participatory management for effective planning, organising and control in the health service.
Exhibiting leadership qualities and competencies in the management of a health service unit/clinic.
Demonstrating the ability to act as a supervisor of a health service unit/clinic.
Scheduling staff to ensure quality health service.
Formulating a disaster and emergency plan for the health service.

Explaining the principles and process of quality improvement.
Implementing a quality improvement programme in health services.
Classifying risks.
Describing the risk manager’s competencies.
Implementing a risk management programme.
Formulating of an incident report within the workplace.
Discussing the structural elements and framework for change management.
Applying the change management process.
Discussing the utilisation of computer hard- and software
Explaining the application and effects of information technologies on health services.

Demonstrating critical-analytical thinking skills in nursing dynamics.
Practising effectively as an independent nursing practitioner in the multi-disciplinary team.
Projecting a positive self-image and demonstrating a well-defined self-knowledge.
Practising the principles of proactive living in everyday functioning.
Demonstrating the effective management of stress and conflict in personal and professional interactions.
Demonstrating the ability to conduct a supportive interview.
Facilitating the continuous enrichment of intra- and interpersonal life skills in self and others.

Applying research principles in daily practice.
Identifying researchable problems concerning health in order to maintain or improve quality health care.
Demonstrating a proficiency in utilising the effective methodology of choice for each type of research.
Completing quality research project with confidence.
Utilising research results to enhance the quality of health service delivery.
Participating actively in multi-disciplinary research.

Demonstrating and understanding of various cost and management terminology.
Demonstrating the ability to determine stock costs, purchasing and receiving of materials as well as issuing of stock.
Understanding the values of stock, and conducting continuous- and periodic stocktaking.
Qualifying remuneration systems and related labour aspects.
Computing overhead costs in health service delivery.
Formulating a budget relevant to place of employment
Effectively managing finances for profitable or non-profitable purposes depending on the area of employment.

Explaining how man’s social potential is developed.
Discussing how people’s behaviour is shaped by their interaction with one another.

Demonstrating knowledge of normal-, abnormal- and optimal behaviour, as well as attitudes.
Applying the knowledge of behaviour and attitudes in personal and professional relationships.

Demonstrating the capability to do job analysis and human recourse training.
Explaining the process of recruitment, selection and induction in the workplace.
Explaining the role that health safety and quality of work life play in human recourse management.
Explaining the management of career development in human resource management.
Planning and implementing a staff development programme.

Explaining the field of organisational behaviour.
Discussing various motivation theories and the implications of these theories on people.
Explaining the effect of stress, group dynamics, power and change on organisational behaviour and culture.
Actively participating in decision-making

Discussing the theory and practice of public management.
Demonstrating an understanding of the framework and functioning of public institutions and public officials.

Explaining the necessity of a specific foundation and indicating the premises derived from this foundation.
Describing the role of values in service endeavours.
Implementing business ethics in health service provision.

Integrated Assessment

Continuous Assessment:

Group discussions facilitated by a knowledgeable facilitator;
Peer group assessment;
Practical: feedback from evaluators.

Formative and Summative Assessment:
Completion of practical under supervision and evaluation of professionals. 

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Neftaly Malatjie

Email: Call/WhatsApp: + 27 84 313 7407

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