Apply word processing packages to create, edit, layout, store and retrieve documents.
Incorporate data from other software packages into word processing.
Apply spreadsheet packages in developing formulas for the processing of quantified information.
Incorporate data from other software packages into spreadsheets.
Designing the layout of slides/transparencies.
Incorporating data from other software packages into the presentation.
Setting up a database for research and administrative purposes.
Maintaining the database and retrieving relevant information
Appreciating the need for and dynamics of the management functions of planning, organising, directing and controlling.
Understanding the concept of risk taking.
Differentiating between business formats.
Demonstrating an understanding of supervisory responsibilities.
Identifying sources of supply and executing a procurement procedure.
Optimising inventory levels and order quantities.
Applying material handling principles to minimise investment in stock whilst avoiding out of stock situations.
Marketing principles and techniques must be utilised to distinguish between relevant strategies and to select the most appropriate strategy.
Apply product line extension and product modification techniques.
Assist with the product development functions of concept development, business analysis and market testing.
Analyse product portfolios in terms of the contributions made to profitability.
Applying recognised methodologies to determine basic or list prices.
Identify reasons for deviating from the list/basic price and perform basic calculations to determine discounts and allowances.
Understanding the role of different intermediaries to assist in “make or buy” decisions.
Apply the principles of Warehousing, transportation, insurance and basic logistics management.
Evaluating the different elements of the promotional mix.
Understanding the media habits of target audiences.
Selecting appropriate appeals to generate interest of target audiences.
Evaluate copy for promotional messages.
Write an elementary media release.
Write reports for a newsletter, conduct interviews
Write a letter of application and a resume.
Developing promotional material within budgetary constraints.
Utilising relevant visual aids.
Assisting with the organisation of exhibitions/demonstrations
Assisting with the organisation of workplace promotions.
Assisting with the organisation of conferences and seminars.
Develop a recreation programme.
Develop exercise and training programmes in a variety of situations.
Advise on correct training methods and nutrition.
Apply psychological principles to a variety of sport situations.
Understand the Liquor Act relevant for sports clubs and events.
Understand delictual liability for sports injuries.
Understand general principles with regard to law of contract.
Understand and analyse specific sport contracts relevant to the industry.
Be involved in coaching and officiating at development clinics.
Assist with the environmental scanning to determine opportunities and threats.
Assist with the internal audit to determine strengths and weaknesses.
Formulation of realistic, measurable marketing and financial objectives within the scope of the mission of the organisation.
Applying the personnel management functions of recruitment, selection, training and incentivising of staff.
Preparation of documentation to obtain long term and working capital.
Assist with the procurement of scarce resources i.e. facilities and equipment.
Development and maintenance of a policy and procedures manual.
Applying the principles of motivating, incentivising and reprimanding of staff.
Communicating with colleagues to ensure timeous dissemination of relevant information/feedback.
Integrated assessment:
Various forms of assessment are used, such as continuous learning, written examination of mastery of theoretical/academic components of learning, tests, and assignments.
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