SayPro Online Course SAQA 11516622711

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SayPro is a Global Solutions Provider working with Individuals, Governments, Corporate Businesses, Municipalities, International Institutions. SayPro works across various Industries, Sectors providing wide range of solutions.

1A Identify and explain the characteristic data types and data flows within a range of organisations
Identify and explain the related systems of data capture, data quality control and data storage devices
Explain and set up basic field, record and file formats
Explain the principal methods of file organisation, to include serial, sequential, indexed sequential and random

1B. Describe the characteristics and uses of applications packages (for example word-processing, spreadsheet, database, software tools) and explain the criteria for the selection of a package. Use a simple package and describe its function.
Describe the advantages and disadvantages of a database approach
Describe the characteristics of low level, high level and fourth generation languages. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of each, and explain their suitability for different applications
Explain the need for standards and documentation in computing
Describe the complete process of the translation of a source program into machine code
Describe the function of operating systems and outline their main features

1C. Describe the stages of development and implementation of data processing applications
Describe the hardware and software configurations required for different methods of processing data, including batch, on-line, real-time, networked and distributed systems
Describe the characteristics, functions, relative speeds, applications and capacities of current input and output devices and the advantages and disadvantages of each
Describe the categories of computer currently available, and the functions, characteristics and applications of each. -The range must include mainframe and mini installations as well as both stand-alone and networked PC’s
Describe the types of hardware used and facilities available to support local, national and international data communications
Describe the facilities available to support the automated office
Describe the functions and management of control unit, arithmetic and logic unit, main memory, backing memory and communication channels
Describe the internal representation of data and the character codes used in input, processing, output and backing storage

1D. Demonstrate the use of basic functions of a personal computer
Connect and power-up a computer and its peripherals and load the appropriate software and data files for a ‘run’
Demonstrate the use of basic functions of a spreadsheet, word-processor, simple database and graphics package
Format, store, backup and copy diskettes, set up directories and sub-directories and practise basic computer librarianship

2A. Explain relationship between user, analyst and programmer and the need for clear agreement as to user’s requirements
Explain tasks and contributions of the members of a system project team
Explain nature of the ‘system cycle’ and the need for maintainable systems which have been developed and documented to defined standards
Explain concepts of user-driven and user-friendly systems

2B. Describe functions of the activities from systems analysis to implementation stage and of the inputs, outputs, process and files involved.
Describe the function of a particular program within the system. The specification of programs
Describe the functions of program structures, dataflow diagram and data dictionaries

2C. The need for documentation and coding standards
The attributes of good documentation
Full documentation including flowchart, structure diagram and or decision table, program listing, sample output, operation instructions for the user and notes on any special techniques used

2D. Techniques of top-down design, are applied.
Different methods of specifying design including pseudo-code, structure diagrams, structured flowcharts and decision tables, are applied.
The design of software elements using a formal structured design method, are applied
The advantages and disadvantages of a formal structured method compared to an unstructured approach, are described

2E. The test plan for a computer program, and suitable test data, are described
Desk-checking a program design and dry running the corresponding code are described
The diagnostic aids generated during compilation of runtime is described
Typical facilities available during interactive debugging are described
The problems and the techniques of program maintenance are described
The need for robust and reliable software, are described

2F. The choice and manipulation of the appropriate data structures to represent information for a particular application
The relationships between items of data held within records, files, arrays and other appropriate data structures
How data may be inserted into or deleted from such data structures
Algorithms to search for and retrieve data held within data structures
Elementary techniques for sorting items of data

2G. A comparison of operating functions within a typical mainframe, a mini system, a micro system wit GUI and a network environment, are described
Commands and calls from OS which may be used within programs, are described
The concept of Open Systems, are described.

2H. The attributes of languages from machine code to object-oriented code. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of each language and its suitability for different applications, are described.
Different data types, are described.
Evaluating the input/output and file handling capabilities of at least two different languages, are done
Sequential, conditional, iterative and recursive processing structures and how they are implemented, are described.
The use of program modules with or without parameter passing, are described
The concepts of block structure, global and local variables, are described
The preparation, using a chosen language, of short segments of coded program and print or screen layouts to meet the requirements of a specification, are described

2I. The facilities provided by the commonly available commercial packages, such as spreadsheet, word-processor, database and graphics systems, are described.
The use of database management systems and the database query language , are described.
The use of an application program generators are described
The client/Server solutions, is explained.

3A. Install and configure a windows operating system
Create and implement systems policies
Create and manage partitions, file systems and fault-tolerant volumes
Support running applications under a windows operating system
Identify network components
Install and configure network transport protocols
Install and configure network services on a windows operating system Server.
Implement RAS
Install client software. Implement and troubleshoot directory replications
Recognise problems related to boot processes.
Determine appropriate action for troubleshooting
Take into account elements of the VC principles to construct strategic plans

4A. Define a windows operating system server Direct services
Establish Trust relationships
Examine effects of different directory services
Plan and implement a windows operating system server based environments
Create a measurement database
Plan and direct service structure
Analyse system performance
Implement a performance and optimisation strategy
Plan and implement a windows operating system based network
Explain the process of analysing network traffic
Analyse client-to-server tragic
Optimise and predict network traffic
Isolate problems to specific components using a windows operating system. Server tools
Trace the system dependencies for devices and services using the registry
Identify the files used in a windows operating system load sequence
Repair damaged files, interpret blue screens, use Kernel Debugger

5A. Construct physical database designs
Develop logical data models
Create physical databases and data services using Transact-SQL
Manage and maintain databases
Configure and manage security
Monitor and optimise databases
Install and configure Microsoft SQL Server

6A. Utilise a programming language to build component object-model dynamic-link libraries and implement them in a multiuser environment using Microsoft Transaction server
Use MTS to address application infrastructure issues associated with building server-side COM objects that use security
Implement Active X Data Objects from middle tier to access data and invoke business and data services implemented in SQL
Implement business and data services in a database server through the use of stored procedures and data integrity features
Apply basic debugging, error handling and security techniques in a three-tier application

7A. Create HTLM documents that contain standard controls, active X controls, Java applets, tables, forms, frames, images and client script.
Use dynamic HTML
Create an HTML page that uses data binding to read data from a database
Use an Office package to create and publish documents on a web server
Use a Web package to Publish HTML on Web

7B. Learn how to programme HTML, DHTML and XML
Create graphics using a graphics package, optimising and animating
Examine marketing strategies on how to make your presence known, submit to search engines, and get return results
Conceptual overview of e-commerce, what it is and How it works

7C. Create and publish a simple Web site
Create interactive content for a web site
Add server scripting to a web page using active server pages and COM components
Implement security in a web site

8A. Event-Driven Programming principle are explained
Features such as Objects and Classes, Data Types, Variables and Constants, Input Box and Message Boxes, are explained using simples examples in a visual language of choice
A sample application that uses Class Modules are developed

8B. Intrinsic Controls like Picture Boxes, ;labels, list boxes, combo boxes, images, lines and shapes, timers, drives, directories, file list boxes, scroll bars, option buttons, check boxes and data controls are described.

8C. Different methods of specifying design including pseudo-code, object-even diagrams, structured flowcharts and decision tables, are applied
The design of software elements using a formal visual design method, are applied

8D. A database is created, using the features of the chosen language
Database Development topic areas as Data Access Objects, Working with Data Files, Retrieving Remote Data, Referential Integrity, Multiple user issues, Performance Issues and Attaching SQL tables, are explained.

9A. Event Driven Programming principles are explained
The use of data types and variables, command line arguments, operators, expressions, control flow statements and exception handling statements, are explained using simples examples in the language of choice
Two dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays are explained using simples’ examples in the language of choice
Searching and sorting arrays, are explained using simples examples in the language of choice

9B. The difference between applications and applets are explained
Object-Orientated Programming Concepts such as objects, encapsulation, messages, classes and inheritance, are explained in the chosen language
The use of inheritance, interfaces and packages, are explained in the chosen language
A sample application that uses Class Modules are developed

9C. A simple animation program is created
The simple animation is expanded to support graphics
A draw Applet is used and explained
The use of how sound can be played in a program either as a one-time occurrence or in a repeating loop, are explained


Time-constrained written examination
Coursework evaluation
Continuous evaluation
Integrated assessment 

  • Neftaly Malatjie | CEO | SayPro
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