1. Analyze and manipulate data relevant to the Financial Markets:
Computer based word processing and spreadsheet applications are applied to financial markets situations
The use of mathematical skills is applied in the context of work relating to financial markets analysis and calculations
The investment potential and performance of public companies is evaluated and reported through critical analysis (including ratio analysis) of their financial statements
Analysis of macro and micro-economic indicators are applied to planning and forecasting within the financial markets
2. Apply an understanding of the financial markets in a South African context:
Financial markets terminology is used in context with the work being performed
The structure and relevance of the international financial markets are related to the South African situation
The different financial markets and their performance history is explained in relation to investment recommendations
3. Operate within the professional and legal limits of the legislation and codes of practice governing the financial markets sector, including the rules and directives of the Exchanges:
The relevant statutory information can be located at the workplace
Best practice guidelines as defined by company policy and procedures are implemented at all times
Behaviour is consistent with the professional and ethical standards and codes of conduct required of participants acting in the financial markets sector.
Reports are submitted in the format specified in statutory and company documentation
4. Manage the implementation of job specific requirements within the financial Markets sector:
The different job roles within the financial markets sector are described
Back and front office functions are differentiated and the role of positions within each area are explained in the broad context of the sector
The selected elective unit standards are applied within the relevant job role
5. Establish and build relationships for maximum mutual benefit
Client relationships are established, built and maintained within the sector
Business opportunities are identified, canvassed and concluded to the benefit of both client and the organisation
Performance is maximised through effective team behaviour, time management and communication in the work environment
Integrated assessment:
Assessors should design assessment tools and conduct assessments against the unit standards specified in the qualification. These should take into account established assessment principles and make use of a range of formative and summative assessment methods.
The unit standards are strongly geared towards the worlds of work and of professional practice, and assessment should ideally take place in those environments, using naturally occurring evidence as far as possible. Where the learner is not currently employed, the assessor should simulate the work environment as realistically as possible.
1. Assessors should specifically check for the following:
Demonstration of competence of the specific outcomes in the context of the relevant financial markets environment.
The meeting of all of the assessment criteria associated with the outcomes.
The demonstration of an integrated understanding of the factors at play in the financial markets sectors. In doing so, it may be possible to assess a number of unit standards, outcomes or assessment criteria together.
The ability to analyse a given situation using selected financial, statistical and economic tools and methods in order to come to a conclusion and make recommendations appropriate to the findings.
The understanding and correct usage of financial markets terminology and language.
The relevant parts of the range statements. For example, where the range includes the Securities exchange, the Bond exchange and the Futures exchange, and the learner is only focusing on the Bond market, then only the Bond market should be assessed.
The ability to constructively engage with clients in order to build and maintain professional relationships to mutual long-term benefit.
Where the various Acts are concerned, it is of greater importance that the learner is able to locate the required information within a reasonable time frame than to know it all verbatim.
The integration of the critical cross-field outcomes.
2. The following formative and summative assessment methods are recommended:
Log books
Written reports of portfolio management activities and results
Written reports of analyses and recommendations
Actual work done in relevant areas
Work related assignments
Verbal presentations
Practical exercises and demonstrations
Role plays
Case studies
Oral questioning and/or interviewing
Peer assessment
Open book examination
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