Students’ achievement of the critical cross-field, general and specific learning outcomes will be assessed through a range of assessment methods in the final programme (exit level)of the programme.
For the purposes of stipulating the criteria by which student performance will be assessed, this interim submission focuses on the key sites of integrative assessment which are located in the final year core courses (see integration assessment for full description of integrated assessment).
A BCom (Economics and Statistics) graduate will be assessed specifically on foundational competencies in critical literacy, critical reasoning, numeracy, and computer-literacy in all prescribed and optional courses from the first year of the programme. Such competence will be assessed, across all programme courses, through a mix of formal written examinations, individual and group projects, individual and group presentations, team problem-solving workshops and simulations. In all such assignments, a learner’s performance will be assessed on the basis of his or her: (i) demonstration of ability to organize ideas and facts in a logical, coherent way; (ii) demonstration of ability to anticipate the responses and objections of an imagined reader; (iii) ability to integrate numerical data into prose descriptions and arguments; (iv) demonstrated understanding of the need to cite references fairly and accurately; (v) demonstrated ability to represent and consider views and perspectives alternative to his or her own.
A BCom (Economics and Statistics) student will be assessed specifically on practical competencies in ability to formulate arguments, research goals, research strategies and public description and justification of goals, tasks and findings from the second year of the programme. Such competence will be assessed, across all programme courses, through assigned individual projects and classroom debate in second year, and through team problem-solving workshops and simulations in third year. The learner’s performance will be assessed on the basis of his or her demonstrated ability to integrate these competencies to the level expected of a junior manager delivering a professional report to a meeting of colleagues.
Integrated assessment for Economics and Statistics takes the form of two multi-dimensional projects completed within the third year. The first project will be completed within the Advanced Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Economics (EC0320f) course, the topic of which is generally macroeconomic and covers areas of economic growth, convergence and development. The second project topic will be completed with the Quantitative Methods in Economics (EC0321s) courses and utilises quantitative economic techniques and econometric software packages to model economic behaviour. Students will be assessed on the basis of demonstrated competence in the following areas:
(1) Internet skills-accessing data and economic resources from the internet. Both projects require students to download data and readings from some of the key economic web sites on the internet.
(2) Data analysis and manipulation -a core component of the first project is the selection of the relevant data and the subsequent calculation of growth rates, growth accounting decompositions and indicators of economic convergence using spreadsheet packages such as Microsoft Excel. The second project involves the manipulation of time series data for use in the estimation of simple regression models.
(3) Analytical skills – students are required to interpret the data calculation and regression results, critically evaluate the regression models estimated, make comparisons with other countries and draw relevant economic conclusions. This forms the body of the project and assesses students’ ability to apply economic theory and economic models to real world contexts.
(4) Presentation skills – students present the final report in the form of a written project and are required to utilise graphs and tables for expository purposes.
Student assessments will be differentially scaled against the threshold-levels in these foundational, practical and reflexive competencies as described immediately above.
Integrated assessment for Economics and the Statistics takes the form of two multi-dimensional project completed within the third year. The first project will be completed within the Advanced Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Economics (ECO320f) course, the topic of which is generally macroeconomic and covers areas of economic growth, convergence and development. the second project topic will be completed with the Quantitative Methods in Economics (ECO321s) courses and utilises quantitative economic techniques and econometric software packages to model economic behaviour. Students will be assessed on the basis of demonstrated competence in the following areas:
(1) Internet skills – assessing data economic resources from the internet. Both projects require students to download data and reading from some of the key economic web sites on the internet.
(2) Data analysis and manipulation – a core component of the first project in the selection of the relevant data and the subsequent calculation of growth rates, growth accounting decompositions and indicators of economic convergence using spreadsheets packages such as Microsoft Excel. The second project involves the manipulation of time series data for use in the estimation of simple regression models.
(3) Analytical skills – students are required to interpret the data calculation and regression results, critically evaluate the regression models estimated, make comparisons with other countries and draw relevant economic conclusions. This forms the body of the project and assesses students’ ability to apply economic theory and economic models to real world contexts.
(4) Presentation skills – students present the final report in the form of a written project and are required to utilise graphs and tables for expository purposes.
Student assessment will be differentially scaled against the threshold-levels in these foundational, practical and reflexive competencies as described immediately above.
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