A. Systems to review the organisation’s external operating environment are developed
Customer needs with regards to, as well as opportunities and threats related to product and service development are identified
Driving forces in the political, statutory, regulatory, economic, social technological and natural environments can be evaluated and responded to appropriately
Existing and potential competitors and collaborators are identified and evaluated
Problems and opportunities in products are identified.
The organisation’s structures and systems are reviewed and improved
Strengths and weakness of the management team are identified and evaluation
A plan is formulated to develop the effectiveness of a management team
Systems to review the generation and allocation of financial services are developed
The strengths and weaknesses of human resources are identified and evaluated.
The strengths and weaknesses of the organisation’s marketing effort and its positioning in the market are identified and evaluated
The strengths of the organisation’s technology and infrastructure are identified and evaluated.
The current and likely future interests of stakeholders are identified.
Stakeholders’ capabilities of helping or hindering the achievement of the organisation’s objectives can be influenced and evaluated.
A shared vision is created
A mission to give purpose to the organisation is developed
Appropriate objectives and strategies to guide the organisation are formulated
Values and policies to develop an appropriate organisational culture are defined
A social programme and a code of conduct for the organisation are developed
Support for the organisation’s shared vision, mission, objectives, strategies, values, policies, social programme and code of conduct is gained.
B. Proposals for programmes, projects and plans to meet the organisation’s vision, mission and objectives are prepared and submitted.
Proposals for programmes, projects and plans in the light of the organisation’s vision, mission and objectives are prepared and submitted.
Professional and technical advice on preparing and implementing programmes, projects and plans are provided.
Support for resources for programmes, projects and plans is generated and obtained
Agreement for programmes, projects and plans is negotiated and obtained
Contracts and agreements with staff and external executors of programmes, projects and plans are negotiated
Responsibility and authority for areas of action and for programmes projects and plans to be executed within the organisation are delegated.
Targets for staff and external executors of programmes, projects and plans are agreed on.
Advice, motivation and support for staff and external executors of programmes, projects and plans to solve problems are provided.
Improvements and progress are made.
Those who carry out planned work are promoted and protected.
Effective internal and external communication.
A diversity of working styles among teams and individuals consistent with the achievement of the organisation’s vision, mission and objectives is encouraged
Collaborative and consultative working arrangements are identified, formulated and evaluated
Guidance on the ways in which values are to be expressed in work and working relationships is consulted upon and provided
Key financial and other indicators to monitor programmes, projects and plans are selected.
Data on performance against key indicators and update plans and schedules are obtained and evaluated.
Systems for managing future performance are developed.
Measures and criteria to evaluate the achievement of the organisation’s vision, mission, objectives and policies are developed.
The extent to which the organisation’s vision, mission, objectives and policies are being achieved is determined.
Causes of success and failure in programmes, projects, plans and their implementation are identified.
Possible strengths and weaknesses in the organisation’s vision, mission, objectives and policies are identified.
C. Actions on all management levels when implementing strategies are applied.
Programmes, projects and plans are vertically and horizontally co-ordinated and integrated during implementation of strategies.
D. The weighted average cost of capital is calculated correctly.
Financing and investment decisions using the WACC are made to maximise stakeholder interest
Capital budget techniques re calculated, interpreted and evaluated correctly.
Basic strategies for efficient cash management are correctly applied to minimise financing needs.
The key features of the collection policy and the popular collection techniques are correctly explained.
Financial statements are correctly analysed
Applicable recommendations are made to assist the entity in achieving its strategic objective.
E. The administrative functions and responsibilities are listed.
The use of technology is explained.
The operations of the administrative office environment of the future are discussed
The effectiveness of systems is determined
General negotiation skills are applied
The principles of contract law are applied
The principles of contract law are applied
Certain aspects of risk management within the working environment are applied
The difference between security, fraud, loss and security is distinguished
The importance of system security, commercial and industrial espionage, computer fraud and the confidentiality of information is explained
F. Type of research is determined
Relevant resources and methods are determined
Purpose needs, objectives and link to design are formulated
Problem is identified and objectives and hypotheses are determined
Potentially useful secondary data is identified
Relevant secondary data is retrieved
Basic library skills are acquired
Related disciplines are consulted
A literature review to gain preliminary knowledge is done
A variety of secondary data and information-gathering techniques are used.
Cognitive information literacy skills in conducting the literature study are applied
Various methods and techniques are reviewed
Appropriate methods and techniques are chosen
Various scientific methods to analyse data using technology are identified
Valid conclusions are drawn
G- The marketing function is managed
Strategic marketing planning, retail marketing and international marketing are done
H. The personnel functions within an enterprise are managed
The concepts of organisational behaviour are understood and applied
I. Quality, purchasing quantities and sources of supply are determined
The integration of the purchasing function and techniques is explained
J The production function is managed
The production function together with computer systems is managed
Integrated assessment:
Written examinations
Case studies
Business simulations/games or logbook (experiential learning component)
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