1: An open-ended problem or issue is correctly identified and described in the workplace
The process is appropriately managed in the workplace.
Appropriate categories for organising information are selected
Information is logically organised into a comprehensible form for managers/co-workers in the workplace
Appropriate investigative and experimental techniques are chosen and applied to open-ended problems in the workplace
Data is interpreted/analysed in relation to the problem, and relevant information brought forward to the decision making forum in the workplace
The mechanical engineering investigation is appropriately managed in the wokplace.
Particular recommendations are chosen for the workplace supervisor/co-workers and choices made are justified against selected criteria
The effectiveness of recommendations made is evaluated in the light of workplace feedback
2: Mechanical engineering components are made with limited independence in the workplace according to criteria which are selected
Components are tested and measured in the workplace and properties and specifications recorded.
Concepts and principles are applied correctly to explain open-ended engineering events in the workplace
Reasoned solutions to open-ended individual or community needs using the appropriate engineering concepts and principles are put forward
The correct approach to solving the problem is chosen and justified using criteria which are selected
The operation of machinery and its components is described and explained, both practically and theoretically in the workplace
Appropriate machinery is successfully and independently operated against selected criteria
Minor modifications to machines are selected, planned and performed in line with appropriate engineering strategies in the workplace.
Significant contributions to team efforts in planning and implementing processes are made in the workplace
A problem in a workplace process is identified and possible improvements suggested.
The product is successfully marketed
The marketing is evaluated against selected criteria and changes implemented where necessary
Business plans are acceptable to financial institutions AC 4: A product is successfully developed for a need
A prototype is successfully built
The environmental and/or social effects of the prototype are assessed
Criteria for a successful entrepreneur in a specialised field are selected.
Approaches to environmental management are identified and synthesised
The potential impact of engineering activity in open ended situations is discussed in depth
Criteria are selected for the critical assessment of environmental management techniques and technologies
An environmental assessment of an aspect of the workplace is carried out
Current environmental issues are described.
Information is collected, processed and analysed
Machinery and/or processes are controlled and monitored
Components, processes and systems are modelled
Engineering tasks and processes are planned
Criteria for successful use of computers are selected and usage is evaluated.
3: Information relevant to the need is chosen, and choices made are justified according to self-selected criteria
Information is appropriately organised into self-selected categories and the process is effectively and independently managed.
Designs following logically from mostly independent research in the workplace are identified and described visually and textually
Particular designs are chosen and the feasibility of choice/s made is justified against selected criteria.
The design is evaluated and judged in terms of selected criteria and changes made where necessary
Progress is satisfactorily reported to the workplace audience.
4: The appropriate type of workplace document for the purpose is chosen and justified against selected criteria
The text is coherently organised at both language and structural levels, and can be self-assessed against selected criteria
Conclusions can be drawn from technical data without supervision
Criteria can be selected to categorise relevant information.
Ethical issues are included in technological knowledge transfer
Decisions are negotiated between individuals and individuals and groups
Procedures are applied to resolve conflict and reach consensus.
Contributions from experts in a group can be understood and synthesised.
5: A workplace system is described in terms of its functions
The system is evaluated against selected criteria and reasoned suggestions for improvements given.
A workplace process is examined and described in terms of a set of criteria (quality, safety, profitability) for successful management
The process is evaluated against selected criteria and reasoned suggestions for managerial improvements given.
A workplace project is successfully completed against a set of criteria including specifications, time frames and budgets
The project is successfully and appropriately presented to a professional audience.
Integrated Assessment
* Tests
* Integrated exams and tests
* Integrated Portfolios
* Integrated Project and work related assignment work
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