Component 1 (Fundamentals):
Competencies Relating to Fundamental Learning:
Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1.1:
Competence is evident when candidates are able to:
Communicate effectively and efficiently with clients, users and peers both verbally and in writing, using appropriate terminology.
Locate, cite and critically evaluate information which is accessible online or otherwise.
Create and maintain user documentation for an IT system or solution.
Create and maintain technical documentation for an IT system or solution.
Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1.2:
Competence is evident when candidates are able to:
Recognize that the foundation of IT is built upon the various aspects of mathematics.
Apply mathematical and statistical concepts and procedures in a programming environment.
Component 2 (Core):
Competencies relating to content essential to obtaining a baccalaureate degree in Information Technology:
Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2.1:
Competence is evident when candidates are able to:
Identify and explain concepts and practices related to core information technologies.
Apply concepts and practices related to core information technologies.
Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2.2:
Competence is evident when candidates are able to:
Identify current and emerging technologies.
Evaluate current and emerging technologies to assess their applicability to address user needs.
Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2.3:
Competence is evident when candidates are able to:
Identify best practices and standards of relevance in a particular context.
Apply best practices and standards that have been selected as relevant in a particular context.
Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2.4:
Competence is evident when candidates are able to:
Identify, analyze and define user requirements to determine what the needs are in terms of creating an IT-based solution.
Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2.5:
Competence is evident when candidates are able to:
Design, develop and implement IT-based solutions according to user needs.
Do the design, development and implementation according to a project plan.
Execute the process with due consideration for issues of relevance when integrating the solution into an existing user environment.
Execute the process using a collaborative approach, in a team striving to accomplish a common goal by integrating personal initiative and group cooperation.
Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2.6:
Competence is evident when candidates are able to:
Assess the impact of technology on individuals, organizations and society, including ethical, legal and policy issues.
Recognize and apply principles of teamwork, including (but not limited to) conflict resolution, group dynamics, leadership styles, collaboration and cross-functional teams.
Assess the impact of technology on group work in project teams collaborating in IT-related projects.
Integrated Assessment:
Written tests and examinations, portfolio assessment as well as practical tests and examinations are used to assess the learning that has taken place. A major project in the third year (capstone module) assesses the students’ capacity to integrate and apply cumulative knowledge across various subject domains.
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