Mode selected is appropriate for specific interpreting contexts.
Selection is justified in terms of type and context of interaction.
Understanding of content is verified and correct.
Context of content is described accurately.
Institutional procedures are described accurately.
Correctness of content is verified where relevant.
Uncertainties and ambiguities are resolved.
Content is repeated accurately.
Organisation of messages is appropriate for reformulation/production.
Length of turn is appropriate for the mode of interpreting.
Logical progression of message structure is correct .
Notes are accessible to the learner.
Note-taking system adds value to interpreting process.
Organisation of information in notes is appropriate for the context.
Organisation of information in notes is justified in terms of note-taking system used.
Messages recalled accurately represent all aspects of source messages.
Messages recalled reflect relevant world knowledge.
Understanding of the source language is correct.
Production of messages is appropriate in terms of the interpreting brief. Range: the brief could be explicit or implied.
Decision-making strategies result in accuracy, fluency, and compensation when necessary.
Message produced is accurate in terms of target language norms.
Target message meaning corresponds to source message meaning.
Target message is relevant for specific audiences.
Lag time of interpreting delivery is appropriate for the complexity and tempo of the message.
Manipulation of variables impacting on auditory or visual listening ensures effective listening.
Management of turn-taking is appropriate for the interpreting context. Range: context includes status/power relations.
All parties are informed when problems arise during interpreting.
Own limitations in terms of accepting work are correctly considered.
Strategies selected to manage power and status differences are appropriate for specific contexts.
Relevant conversational principles are adhered to.
Strategies selected for mediating are culture-appropriate. Range: strategies may include politeness strategies.
Relevant conversational principles are adhered to.
Cultural elements relevant to specific contexts are accounted for.
Contribution to estimation and preparation of cost budgets for elements of work is accurate and adequate for specified contexts.
Monitoring and controlling of actual costs against budgets are accurate and meet specified requirements.
Creation and use of a range of resources to manage teams, sections, departments or divisions are effective in terms of required management objectives and outputs.
Management of time and work processes is effective in relation to a business environment.
Negotiation in an authentic work situation results in an agreement or deal.
Business plan development for small business takes into account relevant factors that impact on feasibility and meets context-specific requirements.
Investigation of the possibilities of establishing and running a small business enterprise (SMME) is comprehensive in terms of relevant considerations.
Planning of learning events meets specified requirements.
Facilitation of adult learning events meets specified requirements.
Management of learnerships/learning programmes facilitates achievement of programme objectives.
Management of staff development meets specified requirements.
Assessment of learning outcomes meets specified, recognised requirements for good assessment practice.
Basic concepts of databases are correctly described.
Planning and creating a simple database meets specified database development specifications and purpose.
Planning, monitoring and controlling an information system in a business environment facilitates effective use of information.
Production of presentation documents for business meet specified business requirements.
Presentation of informed arguments on a current issue in a business sector is justified in terms of relevant sector information.
Management customer requirements and needs and implementation of action plans meet client requirements.
Text types, text features and text functions are correctly identified, selected and verified in relation to parallel texts.
Texts are design based on context-specific requirements.
The writing process is planned effectively.
Errors in text are accurately identified and analysed.
Feedback regarding text is obtained and provided.
Linguistic or textual features are accurately assessed.
Text assessment findings are justified.
Strategies selected to improve and transform text are context-appropriate and justified.
Comparison of own composition with similar text types is relevant.
Text quality is improved where relevant.
Adaptations of text for different readerships is appropriate for specific readership profiles.
The conceptual level of text is adjusted to correct readership level.
Integrated assessment
Before qualifying, the learner will be expected to demonstrate competence that integrates the assessment of all specific outcomes, for all Unit Standards, for example, applying competence in a practical scenario. This will require learners to translate between at least two languages. In addition, during the learning process to attain the outcomes of each Unit Standard, learners will be expected to give evidence that they have attained the embedded knowledge and specific skills contained in specific outcomes for the relevant Unit Standard.
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