The learner’s achievement of critical cross-field outcomes is assessed formatively during the course through a range of activities, and summatively in the capstone activity outlined below.
The learner’s achievement of general programme outcomes is assessed through a range of formative and summative assessments throughout the course, and particularly in the capstone activity outlined below.
The successful candidate or a post-graduate diploma in Commerce will.
Pass relevant undergraduate courses.
Undertake case studies in the relevant field of commercial activity.
Successfully complete practical tasks which require the mastery of skills identified by employers as important for managers in their industry.
Participate successfully in team projects which require a capacity to work cooperatively with others.
Successfully complete work which required an ability think independently and demonstrate initiative in practical problem solving.
Be able to participate in discussion of normative issues in relation to the relevant industry or profession.
The formative assessment in each discipline takes the form of tutorial questions, classroom debate, objective tests and written examinations. The summative assessment is explained.
Demonstrate ability to:
Financial Accounting
1. Prepare and interpret to set of financial statement for a complex organisational structure
2. Critically analyse any professional accounting standard or statement
Financial Management
1. Select and justify the most effective method of financing for a given situation
2. Describe the role of treasury/working capital management in a complex business structure.
Management Accounting
1. Describe, illustrate and comment on the planning and control uses of standard costing, budgeting and variance analysis.
2. Identify relevant costs and appropriate techniques for decision-making and use them in decision-making situations.
3. Apply appropriate performance measures to a range of business situations.
Corporate Governance
1. Identify the role of management, internal and external auditors in Corporate Governance.
2. Identify the strengths and weaknesses for a given financial/financially related information system for a complex business activity in a technologically complex environment.
3. Prepare an audit programme to achieve management or statutory objectives.
1. Compute the total tax liabilities for an individual or a complex business structure.
2. Structure a business operation to minimise potential tax liabilities.
Integrated assessment:
Learners submit a project designed to constitute both a formative and a summative exercise for which they need to achieve a passing grade. Both in this piece of work and in the formal cumulative written examinations the learner’s performance will be assessed on the basis of his or her demonstrated ability to integrate these competencies to the level expected of a financial accountant. In the above situations the learner will be required to reflect creatively on current real life problems. Successful solutions to these problems will allow integrated assessment of skills and comprehension in financial accounting, financial management, management accounting, taxation and corporate governance supported by foundation level knowledge in mathematics, statistics, commercial law, information systems, economics and the environment of business.
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