Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcome 1:
Assessors should ensure that learners demonstrate the following competencies:
An appropriate response as a listener is demonstrated.
Own responses are evaluated.
Own position is put forward and defended.
Tone, approach and style is appropriate to context.
Discourse is evaluated.
Interaction successfully with audience.
Manipulative use of language is identified.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcome 2:
Assessors should ensure that learners demonstrate the following competencies:
Text within context is analysed and critically evaluated.
The values, attitudes and assumptions embedded in text are identified and explained.
Readers’ responses to specific texts are evaluated.
Basic research is conducted and findings are analysed.
Reading and viewing strategies are used to demonstrate understanding of a text.
Implicit messages in texts are identified and explained.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcome 3:
Assessors should ensure that learners demonstrate the following competencies:
A range of topics are written effectively and creatively.
Writing is edited for fluency and ease of communicating.
Information required to write own text is identified and collected.
A text is composed using plain language.
A text is organised and structured appropriately.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcome 4:
Assessors should ensure that learners demonstrate the following competencies:
Mathematics is used to plan and control financial instruments.
Simple and compound interest is calculated.
Costs and revenue are calculated.
Date are collected, organized and represented.
Theory on probability is described and used correctly.
Probability models are used correctly.
Quantities are measured, estimated and calculated.
Geometrical relationships are described and interpreted.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcome 5:
Assessors should ensure that learners demonstrate the following competencies:
A brief is interpreted and an appropriate design solution is developed.
Advanced knowledge and understanding of technical drawing and the ability to apply these and meeting requirements in this regard.
Advanced knowledge and understanding of techniques in fashion illustration is demonstrated and applied by styling own design concepts Advanced knowledge and understanding of techniques in fashion illustration is demonstrated and applied by styling own design concepts.
Presentation methods are known and skills demonstrated by doing a presentation of own design.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcome 6:
Assessors should ensure that learners demonstrate the following competencies:
Techniques of presenting individual design concepts in a 2 and 3 dimensional format on an advanced illustrative level is mastered and applied.
Various illustrative techniques and methods are known and design is demonstrated.
Advanced presentation methods and skills are mastered and a high level of image design is demonstrated.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Specific Outcome 7:
The technique of creating a pattern from a design is discussed and illustrated.
A working pattern with which garments can be designed is produced.
A final pattern is produced.
Communication of the technical process is performed in line with requirements in this regard.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcome 8:
Assessors should ensure that learners demonstrate the following competencies:
The relevant theory, principles and concepts of art are discussed and applied in drawing and illustration.
Drawing as a discipline is linked to other disciplines in Visual Arts.
Basic compositional rules, drawing techniques and use of a variety of media are discussed and applied.
Formal elements of drawing is known and applied.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcome 9:
Assessors should ensure that learners demonstrate the following competencies:
Knowledge and understanding of various art mediums and the ability to apply these following conventions in this regard.
Basic knowledge of Technical Drawing and components of a garment is displayed and applied these in the pattern room.
Knowledge and understanding of techniques in fashion illustration is demonstrated and applied by styling own design concepts.
Presentation methods and are known and skills demonstrated by doing a presentation of own design.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcome 10:
Assessors should ensure that learners demonstrate the following competencies:
Processes of clothing manufacturing and construction are identified and discussed to demonstrate understanding.
Preparation methods are identified and performed.
A garment is constructed and finished to meet standards in this regard.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcome 11:
Assessors should ensure that learners demonstrate the following competencies:
Various methods and advanced methods of finishing are explained and examples identified.
Hand stitching methods are identified and applied.
Embroidery, Appliqu�, Truponto, Embossery, Beading and Millinery are known, identified and applied.
Garments are finished meeting standards in this regard.
Beading is applied to half or fully completed garments following instructions in this regard.
A hat is designed and made meeting criteria in this regard.
A handbag is made in line with requirements set.
A tie is designed and made meeting requirements in this regard.
A broach is designed and manufactured.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcome 12:
Assessors should ensure that learners demonstrate the following competencies:
Evening wear corset is designed and constructed meeting requirements in this regard.
Evening wear skirt is designed and constructed meeting instructions in this regard.
Ladies tailoring is designed and constructed meeting requirements in this regard.
A wedding gown is designed and constructed meeting requirements in this regard.
A Unisex garment is designed, constructed and finished to meet standards in this regard.
An Avant-Garde is designed, constructed and finished to meet instructions in this regard.
An open range is designed and constructed meeting requirements in this regard.
The history of fashion in the 20th century is discussed and trends identified.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcome 13:
Assessors should ensure that learners demonstrate the following competencies:
Corset pattern is discussed, understood and applied.
Skirt pattern is drafted meeting instructions in this regard.
Ladies tailoring pattern is drafted meeting instructions in this regard.
A wedding gown pattern is drafted meeting instructions in this regard.
An Avant-Garde pattern is drafted meeting instructions in this regard.
An open range pattern is drafted meeting instructions in this regard.
A Unisex garment pattern is drafted meeting instructions in this regard.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcome 14:
Assessors should ensure that learners demonstrate the following competencies:
Define and explain the functions and role of the Retail Buyer.
The required abilities of a Chain Store buyer is identified and evaluated.
The advantages and disadvantages of centralized ands decentralized buying are discussed and explained.
All elements of buying for departments are discussed.
Concepts such as Off-price buying, Direct Retail Organizations, Resident Buying Offices are defined and explained.
Merchandise Planning and Policies are discussed and application explained.
Factors related to national and international purchasing are explained.
Purchasing negotiation is defined, discussed and applied.
Private label programmes are defined, discussed and applied.
Dissemination of product information is discussed and applied.
Research methodology is discussed and applied in line with conventions in this regard.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcome 15:
Assessors should ensure that learners demonstrate the following competencies:
Understanding the marketing environments and marketing trends affecting businesses today.
Applying market segmentation principles and market research tools.
Identifying prospective customers and markets, understand their needs and buying behaviours, and provide them with appropriate information on product/service solutions to enable them to make informed decisions.
Demonstrate an understanding of Targeting and Positioning of a product.
Understand the requirements and the importance of sourcing and maintaining information.
Demonstrating an understanding of the anatomy of a product, product positioning, product life cycles, new product development processes and the competitive environment of products and services.
Demonstrate and understanding of the importance of Brand Equity and Brand Positioning and Measurement.
Demonstrating an understanding of the various distribution channels and intermediaries and different distribution strategies applied in business.
Gaining an understanding and application of the pricing model, determine pricing objectives and understand pricing strategies and marketing elements affecting pricing structures.
Demonstrating an understanding of the communication process, the importance of promotion, the elements of the Promotional/Communication Mix, and how different combinations thereof can lead to a positive return on investment, an understanding of “hi-tech” options available today. Creating a communication strategy and the practice of Integrated Marketing Communications.
Acquire a knowledge of how to apply marketing methods to Specialised markets and the benefits associated with such markets as services marketing, retailing, Cyber-marketing and International marketing approaches.
Developing and implementing of customised Marketing plans and strategies to put new life and competitiveness into products and services.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcome 16:
Assessors should ensure that learners demonstrate the following competencies:
Explain sales and marketing management activities.
Demonstrate knowledge of the role of marketing in the firm.
Segment the market and position your product/service.
Demonstrate knowledge of the South African marketing environment and the role of marketing research.
Recognize buyer behaviour in the consumer and business market.
Manage the 4 P’s; product, price, promotion and place (distribution).
Demonstrate knowledge of the role of and function of marketing within the sales environment.
Explain the difference between selling and marketing.
Demonstrate knowledge of the managerial and ethical aspects of selling.
Demonstrate knowledge of prospecting and handling objections in the sales process.
Demonstrate knowledge of exhibitions, trade shows and telesales.
Identify the different types of communication available in the sales environment.
Analyse the communication model.
Define the steps in the selling process.
Apply techniques taught in each step of the selling process.
Discuss sales management activities in context.
Identify training, recruitment and compensation requirements when staffing a sales force.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcome 17:
Assessors should ensure that learners demonstrate the following competencies:
Explain what an entrepreneur is and what challenges they face.
Describe the characteristics of an entrepreneur.
Discuss the role of the entrepreneur.
Describe the links between creativity and entrepreneurship.
Demonstrate an understanding of the South African business environment.
Anticipate and respond to changes in the South African business environment.
Identify and evaluate business opportunities.
Draw up a business plan.
Identify the resources needed for various business ventures.
Discuss basic legal requirements for running a business.
Determine where a business should be physically located.
Describe and discuss the components of business risk.
Discuss basics of business, including quality systems, ethics, record keeping and internal control.
Describe sources of finance for a business.
Integrated assessment:
Assessment of competence is done through a combination of formative and summative assessment methodologies, tools and procedures, which will not discriminate against learners in an unjust or invalid way. Formative assessment integrates theory with practice, with transfer of skills being conducted in a real or simulated workplace environment. Assessment practices are fair, transparent, valid and reliable.
The purpose of assessment is to determine whether a learner has met the outcomes of the qualification in terms of theory and practice. Integrative techniques are therefore used to assess applied competence. Candidates should be required to demonstrate that they can perform the outcomes with understanding and insight.
Assessment should ensure that all exit level Outcomes and Critical Cross-Field Outcomes are evaluated. Assessment of the Critical Cross-Field Outcomes should be integrated with the assessment of the exit level outcomes. The Critical Cross-Field Outcomes are implicit in the learning and assessment programmes are designed to extend and further reflect integration.
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