Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
Demonstrate the ability to integrate current clinical approaches with basic physiological mechanisms.
The interface and transition between acute and chronic pain is described.
The principles of a interdisciplinary, holistic approach to pain management are applied.
Pain intensity, including the psychological assessment and impact of pain is assessed.
The appropriate use of pharmacological agents as part of a comprehensive management plan is demonstrated.
Insight in the role of evidence-based clinical guidelines and adherence to ethical standards applicable to pain management is demonstrated.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
The appropriate knowledge and skills relating to specified pain conditions are demonstrated.
Current literature is sourced and read and synopses of the relevant information are written.
The management plan is formulated appropriately.
The management plan is presented.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
An appropriate research proposal is written and accepted.
Relevant information on the research area is gathered and synthesized.
Appropriate theory and methods for research are chosen and justified.
The research project is designed, implemented and managed.
The information/data is analysed.
A research report is written and accepted.
Integrated assessment:
A range of formative and summative assessment methods are used that permit the learner to demonstrate applied competence. Assessment methods used to assess coursework include, but are not limited to, literature surveys, assignments, case-study presentations.
Progress with the research component will be assessed by protocol preparation and acceptance, the design and implementation of a research project and the writing of a research report.
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