Associated Assessment Criteria for Critical Cross-Field Outcomes:
Evidence in the form of tasks in study materials, written (and, in some cases, oral) assignments, portfolio tasks, projects, case studies and examinations, will show that learners:
Associated Assessment Criteria for Critical Cross-Field Outcomes 1:
Identify, analyse and solve health, psychological and social problems by means of exploring and critically assessing direct and indirect factors within a given health, psychological and/or social care context.
Solve health, psychological and social problems by generating alternative strategies to deal with those problems at primary, secondary and tertiary levels of care.
Overcome communication problems creatively.
Critically evaluate various viewpoints on the current health, psychological and social welfare situations and compare such to own views.
Offer evidence in a variety of ways from theoretical knowledge base, and/or from experiential base, to support their stated views.
Identify health, psychological and social problems in their own lives.
Identify health, psychological and social problems in others’ lives by use of a variety of methods e.g. case studies and primary research projects.
Identify and solve concrete and abstract health, psychological and social problems by drawing upon the theoretical knowledge and experiential base of individual disciplines in the health, psychological and social fields.
Identify and solve concrete and abstract health, psychological and social problems by drawing upon their own experience base.
Use their knowledge and experience to offer suggestions for solving health, psychological and social problems at a community, national, international and global level.
Analyse the global, national and local community in terms of health, psychological and social problems, needs and opportunities.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Critical Cross-Field Outcomes 2:
Show evidence of “peoples skills’ (acceptance, empathy, listening skills, etc) in group situations.
Demonstrate respect for the opinion of others through written and/ or oral reporting without bias.
Demonstrate tolerance of diversity through (written and/or oral) reporting without bias.
Undertake health and social sciences related projects and provide evidence of successful interaction with others.
Use effective communication skills within group and dyadic context.
Lead and empower people effectively to understand health, psychological and social and welfare issues, and utilize relevant facilities.
Are supportive followers and active group participants in a multidisciplinary team.
Organize themselves and others into effective working groups.
Communicate the evidence of group interactions through professional and scientifically based/accepted written and/or oral reporting.
Within a team approach facilitate groups and communities to take responsibility for their own physical, psychological, environmental health and social and welfare needs as well as for that of others.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Critical Cross-Field Outcomes 3:
Demonstrate the requisite study skills and learning strategies.
Organize their study plans.
Use creative and various learning strategies which suit their personal and professional situations and contexts.
Cope with the self-discipline necessary for distance learning.
Think independently, and offer evidence to support their decisions
Assess their own strengths and weaknesses and develop coping strategies.
Utilize skills and knowledge gained through distance studies to manage their professional activities.
Note: These outcomes and assessment criteria may be entry competences for many distance learners who are already working in the job market and have definite goals.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Critical Cross-Field Outcomes 4:
Demonstrate basic research skills.
Use library and other resources effectively to suit their individual academic and professional needs.
Use library and other resources effectively to suit the needs of particular areas of research.
Collect, collate, analyse and integrate information from a variety of sources.
Act responsibly as a researcher and life-long scholar (eg, appropriate referencing, avoiding plagiarism).
Show awareness of the conventions of scholarship in the various disciplines under study.
Demonstrate awareness of relevant conventi9ons and guidelines to their academic, personal and professional purposes.
Critically analyse models, theories, examples, experiences.
Argue appropriately within the scientific community.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Critical Cross-Field Outcomes 5:
Communicate their ideas and pro vide supporting evidence in a sustained manner.
Responsibly use others’ ideas in support of their own without plagiarism.
Identify conclusions and premises in academic arguments.
Follow the language conventions of written and/or oral use in policies and reports.
Use appropriate models of organisation and presentation as required in the relevant disciplines.
Use statistics appropriately and responsibly in support of their ideas.
Create and use visuals appropriately to support their ideas.
Recognise own communication limitations and problems and seek help appropriately.
Identify and illustrate discipline-related jargon.
See, describe and interpret what they come across in appropriate ways.
Assist others to speak for themselves on health, psychological, social and welfare matters.
Use language to critically analyse, evaluate and critique others’ ideas relevant to the specific discipline.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Critical Cross-Field Outcomes 6:
Demonstrate an appropriate attitude towards health, psychological, social and welfare scholarship and technology.
Use the scientific method of investigation, testing and evaluation in health, psychological, social and welfare fields.
Select appropriate health, psychological, social and welfare technology to suit the needs of the individual or group.
Use technology (computers, internet, etc) where appropriate and feasible in health, psychological, social and welfare fields.
Use natural resources in a sustainable way.
Show respect for and a responsible attitude towards health and social sciences and technology.
Show concern for health, psychological, social and welfare issues of individuals, families, groups and communities and societies.
Demonstrate a consideration of the ethics involved in health, social and welfare sciences and technological issues.
Show respect and openness towards the psychological, health, welfare and social environment of others.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Critical Cross-Field Outcomes 7:
Demonstrate knowledge and experience of their individual and professional situations.
Connect the abstract knowledge of theory to the reality of their individual personal and professional contexts.
Draw upon their prior knowledge (personal and professional), and experience (personal and professional) as appropriate when investigating an analysing the health, psychological, social and welfare fields around them.
Demonstrate knowledge of the interconnectedness of factors influencing the achievement of optimal health and social well-being, and draw upon their knowledge of the complex nature of health, psychology and social well-being and to find appropriate solutions to health, psychological, social and welfare issues.
Look beyond and across traditional disciplinary boundaries for possible solutions.
Follow an integrated approach to learning and studying.
Note: Some Foundation Courses overtly teach and practise these skills.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Developmental Outcomes 1:
Learn by various means other than rote-learning and/or practical field experience.
Explain what they know in their own words.
Follow academic conventions regarding referencing and avoid plagiarism.
Use help-seeking strategies to further their own learning and that of others.
Apply what they study in different contexts, both personal and professional, real and simulated.
Display self-awareness of learning preferences and strategies to suit their personal and professional needs.
Show evidence of effective study skills (e.g. note-taking, summarizing, analysis and synthesis).
Associated Assessment Criteria for Developmental Outcomes 2:
Display tolerance of diversity and other opinions.
Show willingness to participate in groups.
Demonstrate willingness to take risks in group situations.
Apply what they know and study in culturally diverse contexts.
Apply what they know and study at different levels, from personal to professional to academic contexts.
Share knowledge and expertise.
Actively promote relevant knowledge in communities.
Identify gaps in previously disadvantaged communities and redress.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Developmental Outcomes 3:
Show awareness of cultural diversity and its impact on health, psychological, social and welfare issues.
Demonstrate tolerance of diversity and others’ opinions.
Use various skills to draw out the cultural contexts of others (e.g.) communication skills and empathy).
Illustrate the value of open-mindedness and tolerance to self and others.
Actively promote empowerment of communities through culturally sensitive education.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Developmental Outcomes 4:
Illustrate the relationship between the knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired in studying towards the BA (Health Sciences and Social Services) and those of the community at large (locally and globally).
Make connections from theoretical knowledge to practical application in the real health, psychological and social fields.
Identify those specialized skills which are highly valued across the disciplines and sectors of health, psychological and social fields.
Use the personal and professional skills required for efficiency in most health, psychological, social and welfare services: Imaginative intelligence, emotional maturity, effective communication skills, thoughtful accuracy and interpersonal sensitivity.
Deal effectively with potential health, psychological, social and welfare problems and tasks by drawing upon the knowledge and skills acquired during the completion of the Qualification and where relevant, prior learning.
Demonstrate a personal and professional sense of work ethics.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Developmental Outcomes 5:
Create job opportunities in whatever health, psychological, social and welfare situation they find themselves.
Have a realistic view of their own worth and value to contribute towards quality of life of the individual, family, community and society at large.
Communicate that value to others in the real world (CV writing skills, oral communication skills, etc.).
Demonstrate healthy self-esteem and confidence in their academic and professional knowledge, skills and attitudes as required to complete the Qualification.
Deal with various unknown situations with flexibility and adaptability.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcomes 1:
Analyse and reflect on theory and practice in the domain of psychological, health and social services.
Analyse and synthesise complex information withi8n a specialised area of research and counselling practice.
Reflect and comment on information within a specialised area of research and counselling practice.
Show potential to contribute to the development of the counselling and psychology disciplines.
Contribute as a professional practitioner to finding solutions to psychological, health and social problems.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcomes 2:
Critically review existing literature in the field in terms of ecological appropriateness
Identify problems in a way which is sensitive to ec9logical and contextual concerns.
Use established psychological and counselling theories to describe case material in a contextually sensitive way.
Apply existing research findings in a contextually sensitive way.
Assists in the development of solutions appropriate to the area of concern, taking the above into account.
Assist in the formulation of appropriate contextual responses to resolve concrete and abstract problems.
Explain their place and role in the relevant field of practice and in the multi-disciplinary team.
Interpret local situations in relation to international trends in psychological, health and social issues
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcomes 3:
Document counselling and research information.
Assist in the demarcation of the scope of a project or programme.
Demonstrate that they are conversant with methods relevant to the area of concern by planning and resourcing research and/or counselling processes.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcomes 4:
Conduct research in psychology or in a multi-disciplinary context.
Document the problem statement, aims, and objectives of the study, the research design, method, results and conclusions in an academically acceptable manner.
Apply theory to practice.
Analyse data.
Show critical acumen.
Logically develop and understand arguments.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcomes 5:
Present material clearly and systemically.
Formulate and present arguments coherently.
Document and support findings in a scientific manner.
Communicate in acceptable style and presentation.
Provide critical overviews of relevant material.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcomes 6:
Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of psychological measurement and questionnaire design.
Design appropriate and psychometrically sound questionnaires and contexts of assessment.
Apply, score and present results of applicable psychological tests in scientifically sound ways.
Write clear and coherent reports on the results of assessment endeavours.
Treat assessment results with discretion and confidentiality.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcomes 7:
Demonstrate a working knowledge of the DSM-IV system.
Demonstrate a working knowledge of interactional or social pathology.
Formulate problem descriptions and possible solutions flowing from the knowledge, skills and values formed during accomplishment of the Qualification.
Demonstrate the application of diverse and relevant counselling and intervention strategies.
Refer to psychologists or other professionals in an informed and ethically sound way.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcomes 8:
Manage complete sub elements of appropriate programmes with associated interventions.
Design sub elements of intervention programmes and processes.
Execute less intense, more formalised/routinised interventions (e.g. psycho-education, assertiveness training, genogram and organogram construction, and so on).
Associated Assessment Criteria for Specific Outcomes 9:
Act as professional role models.
Accept responsibility and display accountability within the limits of own competence and relevant scope of practice according to the requirements of Health Professions Council of South Africa and the Professional Board for Psychology.
Exercise judgement commensurate with knowledge and experience.
Are accountable for achieving specialised competence in psychological service delivery.
Adhere to generally accepted professional norms with integrity.
Integrated Assessment:
Formative Assessment:
Learning and assessment are integrated, and learning material is specifically designed for psychological practice. Academic and practical work include assignments, seminars, workshops and portfolios of evidence based on learning material and practical training. Self-assessment tasks, with feedback, are included, and lecturers trainers and supervisors will provide continuous feedback to learners on their academic and professional progress. Academic and professional guidance and support will be emphasised, and supervisors and tutors will assess, assist and guide learners during the practical and internship phases of the Qualification.
Summative Assessment:
Examinations and equivalent assessments will be utilised to assess representative selections of the outcomes practised and assessed during the formative stages. Summative assessments will test learners’ abilities to manage and integrate a large body of knowledge, to achieve the stated outcomes of modules and practical training, and to maintain high standards of professional practice. Summative assessment is designed to focus on learners’ abilities to integrate knowledge, skills and values in professional Psychology.
Integrated assessment:
All assessment will integrate knowledge, skill, attitudes, and applied competence. During the fourth level of the degree, all the learning in the Qualification will be integrated by means of residential workshops and seminars, as well as the internship of six months’ duration.
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