Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
Explain the principles, concepts and theories on which the specialist area of learning is based.
Apply the specialised knowledge and skills in the world of work.
Integrate of knowledge and skills across a range of subject fields using analytical-synthesising thought processes in this particular academic context.
Knowledge of the key areas of advertising and promotion as part of an integrated approach to marketing communications.
Describe the role and practice of marketing within the changing business environment, the marketing process, segmentation, targeting and positioning, and the extended marketing mix, as well as different marketing segments and contexts.
Describe the marketing research process and the importance of different types of information and marketing research requirements needed for effective marketing management in a competitive environment.
Describe brands and brand equity, customer-based equity, brand elements and brand identity, the system of brand management, new products and brand extensions, as well as corporate branding.
Explain the basic concepts and principles of branding, personal selling, marketing research, advertising and promotion and marketing planning.
Generate and present a marketing plan for a product or service.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
Explain how managers should manage the resources and activities of an organisation in such a way that it can be as profitably and operate as efficiently as possible.
Use critical thinking to argue effectively and convincingly and pass judgments on relevant aspects in learning.
Explain the roles of personal selling in creating value and developing customer relationships in a variety of contexts.
Apply and evaluate analytical tools in the development of marketing plans.
Describe the key concepts, role, components and scope of advertising, combined with the advertising campaign process.
Apply and evaluate analytical tools in the development of strategic marketing plans and strategies.
Discuss contextual issues related to marketing management, understanding of the complex and diverse environment of marketing by focusing on relationship marketing, marketing in non-traditional contexts, the extended marketing mix in the service sector as well as ethics and social responsibility in marketing context.
Describe the purchase decision-making process and to recognise the variables and situations that influence customer buying behaviour.
Discuss the key ingredients for success in sales that cover vital issues in sales such as the role of communication, time management, retail selling, trade shows and the importance of telesales.
Perform effectively and apply key concepts in effective verbal and non-verbal communication within the business work environment.
Explain the challenges and requirements for establishing and running a new business venture.
Plan and execute a full sales presentation.
Apply a range of advanced skills to compile a branding strategy.
Create and propose a detailed plan for advertising an organisation product or service on the internet.
Generate a functional business plan aimed at establishing a new business enterprise.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
Conceptualise, plan, prepare and conduct research within the field of visual communication design, and produce a report of acceptable scientific and academic standard.
Conduct research independently and generating the knowledge base in a relevant field of work.
Communicate research findings to stakeholders in effectively using verbal, visual/graphic and vocal presentation skills.
Plan, design, draw up and complete a customer satisfaction survey.
Plan and carry out a competitor analysis for a given organisation.
Plan and design people-centred pictures aimed at empowerment in developing communities.
Conceptualise, generate, organise and present a portfolio of practical work displaying a high level of creative skills as well as the ability to integrated knowledge across a range of related subject fields.
Using meta-cognitive skills to reflect upon learning progress and identify areas for growth and further learning.
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:
Apply knowledge to challenges common to the marketing industry.
Devise appropriate recruitment and selection procedures.
Acknowledge sensitive issues and practical challenges regarding marketing for specific target groups in a culturally diverse society as well as those with special information and communication design needs.
Demonstrate respect for diversity in society as it impacts on the design of appropriate information as well as media use aimed at different target groups.
> Range includes but not limited to: culture, literacy, education, habits, beliefs, access to technology.
Integrated Assessment:
Assessment should be conducted in line with the institutional Assessment Policy, which states that assessment of competence is an integral part of the programme. Assessment is conducted throughout the duration of the programme as a mechanism to monitor learning progress, identify areas for remedial intervention, or guidance to individual students towards further learning (formative assessment). This is complemented by summative assessment to evaluate competence in terms of achieving all outcomes at the end of each module and the programme as a whole.
A combination of appropriate formative and summative assessment methods is used at fundamental, intermediate as well as advanced level. These include oral and written tests, examinations and practical assignments. In addition, the learning progress of candidates will be assessed by way of individual presentations during group seminars, and one-to-one consultations between a candidate and the lecturer, or study leader supervising the research assignment during the first advanced level (third year) of study.
Since the execution of job-related tasks require the integration of theory and the application of knowledge as well as skills, assessment practice will as far as possible be conducted along the same line. This means that assessment methods will be suitable to assess mastery of knowledge, on the one hand, the ability to apply knowledge, on the other, or in combination. Different outcomes are thus also assessed in a combined manner.
At the same time, the Critical Cross-Field Outcomes and Exit Level Outcomes are implicit in the learning specific to this programme; therefore those outcomes will be assessed jointly (in an integrated manner) with specific outcomes, e.g. creative problem-solving, the ability to organise and manage oneself responsibly and effectively, to collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information, as well as using computer technology in a responsible manner.
Integrated Assessment will also give assessors the opportunity to assess a combination of specific outcomes from different related modules simultaneously at a given point.
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