SAQA ID: 90844 Operate a Windows System NQF Level 07 Credits 00
The qualification is an undergraduate degree at NQF Level 7 in the Applied Social Sciences. The qualification aligns with the characteristics of learning outcomes at NQF Level 7 as specified in the level descriptors. The purpose of this qualification is to equip learners with knowledge, skills and attitudes (ethics) to better understand the social world, interpret and analyse relevant social research data, comprehend and develop a better understanding of self and others in a variety of social contexts and circumstances.
The qualification will provide learners with a solid foundation in, but not limited to, the following set of attributes:
The acquisition of a systematic and coherent body of knowledge within the applied social science field, combined with underlying principles and concepts of Applied Psychology that incorporates communication and problem solving skills as part of the pedagogic process.
The development of the academic skills and attributes necessary to undertake research, comprehend and evaluate new information, concepts and evidence from a range of sources within the applied social science field including psychology.
The development of the ability to review, consolidate, extend and apply the knowledge and techniques learnt in a professional context.
A foundation for self-directed and lifelong learning.
Interpersonal and teamwork skills appropriate to employment and/or further study.
These attributes form the basis of a robust curriculum design in that they address:
1. Core knowledge, skills and understanding within the field of study.
2. Research skills.
3. Critical thinking skills.
4. Values, research and professional ethics.
5. Communication Skills.
6. Application of methodologies and practices within the Applied Social Science field of study as they pertain to counselling or coaching or management professions.
This qualification is designed with the following outcomes in mind:
To develop the learner’s academic skills to better understand the social world nationally and globally.
To develop the learner’s ability to interpret and analyse relevant social research data.
To enable learners to comprehend and develop a better understanding of self and others.
To enable learners to apply their understanding of psychology as an applied social science in the specialised fields of counselling, coaching or management in a variety of personal and social contexts and circumstances within a diverse multicultural society such as South Africa.
All aspects of the qualification reflect these outcomes in line with the configuration of modular offerings within each specialisation.
At NQF Level 5 all learners share core modular elements that include Research and Study Skills, Introduction to Psychology A and B, Interpersonal Communication Skills, Counselling Methods 1 and 2, Practical Counselling Skills 1, Development through the Lifespan and Diversity and Family in South Africa.
Given the different orientation of the respective streams of study, learners in the counselling stream begin to build a foundation in Mental Health Issues whilst those in the Coaching and Management Study streams explore Organisational Behaviour.
These modules are viewed as critical to the ultimate aim of developing a critical mindset that produces reflective practitioners, capable of thinking critically and analytically, capable of working effectively with people and who can begin to understand and practically apply a range of theories and modalities using a strong psychological framework within an Applied Social Science paradigm.
At NQF Level 6 learners continue with core modules that include Introduction to Contemporary Society, Community and Health Psychology, Conflict management and Self-Esteem and Motivation. Learners then continue with their studies within the framework of choice of specialisation.
Learners opting for the Coaching specialisation are required to undertake five specialisation modules at NQF Level 6, these being, Coaching Skills 1, Foundations in Positive Psychology, Applied Positive Psychology, Ethics in Professional Management Practice, and Developing Professional Practice.
Learners opting for the Counselling specialisation are required to undertake five specialisation modules at NQF Level 6, these being, Crisis and Trauma Counselling, Personality and Individual Differences, Learning and Memory, Practical Counselling Skills 2 and Ethics and the Professional Counsellor.
Learners opting for the Management Studies specialisation are required to undertake five specialisation modules at NQF Level 6, these being, Coaching Skills 1, Management Theory and Practice, Strategic Management and Planning, Ethics in Professional Management Practice and Developing Professional Practice.
These modules are intended to focus learners towards thinking critically and analytically and to apply their understanding of psychology as an applied social science in the specialised fields of counselling, coaching or management in a variety of personal and social contexts and circumstances within a diverse multicultural society such as South Africa.
At NQF Level 7, all learners continue with further core modules that include Social Psychology, Applied Social Research and Social Analysis.
Learners opting for the Coaching specialisation are required to undertake three further specialisation modules at NQF Level 7, these being, Coaching Skills 2 and 3, and Professional Practice. They also have an opportunity to select two electives in order to complete their studies.
Learners opting for the Counselling specialisation are required to undertake three further specialisation modules at NQF Level 7, these being, Practical Counselling Skills 3, Family and Relationship Counselling and Psychopathology. They also have an opportunity to select two electives in order to complete their studies.
Learners opting for the Management Studies specialisation are required to undertake three further specialisation modules at NQF Level 7, these being, Facilitation Skills 1 and 2, and Professional Practice. They also have an opportunity to select two electives in order to complete their studies.
These NQF Level 7 modules are viewed as critical to deepening a cycle of studies in the applied social sciences, yet at the same time, refining key aspects of their specialisation choice with a view to becoming well-rounded and effective practitioners who knowledgeable, skilled and ethical.
NQF Level 7 culminates in Fieldwork which enables learners to practical apply all of the knowledge and skills which they have acquired throughout the qualification in a supervised context that is relevant to their particular specialised field of applied social science (see criterion 1.10).
This qualification is to provide a foundation for learners with a broad career path in Applied Social Science vocations. The qualifying learner will have diverse career options in the Applied Social Sciences, incorporating employment fields such as human resource management, health sciences and psychological services.
The qualification design is to provide focused teaching and learning with the emphasis upon how people and their diverse social statures interact within a specified social context. The qualification is grounded in the Social Sciences and is designed to help learners develop the academic skills to better understand the social world, interpret and analyse relevant social research data, comprehend and develop a better understanding of self, others and the application of the Social Sciences in a variety of social contexts and circumstances. The qualification has a psychological framework as part of a critical pedagogy of understanding self and others better within different social contexts by:
Providing the learner with a systematic and coherent body of knowledge based on the underlying theories of Psychology and Social Science.
Enabling the learner to interpret and reflect critically on key concepts and theories of psychology as an Applied Social Science in different social contexts as well as to comprehend and evaluate new information, concepts and evidence from a range of sources in the disciplines of Social Science and Psychology.
Providing the learner with the skills and abilities to develop professionally towards a career in the Applied Social Sciences.
This depth of understanding and insight is pertinent to South African realities where diverse race and cultures co-exist within a context of different cultural, socio-economic and educational levels. This creates the potential for encouraging a greater acceptance of human difference in multiple work-related environments.
The qualification aims to provide learners with an introduction to psychology and the broad field of social science. The social science focus has shaped the selection of core modules in order to assist students with a developed understanding of psychology and social science theory as well as the core skills necessary to work successfully with people in an informed and insightful way.
At the same time, the qualification incorporates three specialisations i.e. counselling or coaching or management studies, each representing a specific Social Science application of the core knowledge and skills training of the qualification. As such, depending on their specialisation choice, learners undertake a range of modules dealing more specifically with counselling or coaching or management studies.
These specialisation modules are viewed as essential to the ultimate aim of producing reflective practitioners who possess a well-rounded education and who are capable of thinking critically and analytically, working effectively with people, and who understand and can practically apply a range of Psychology and Social Science principles and theories within the context of their particular vocational specialisation.
The qualifying learner will be well suited for employment in an extensive range of public and private sector enterprises and will be highly regarded for their ability to integrate theory with praxis and to be ethical and professional practitioners within their chosen fields.
This qualification addresses the need for new higher education qualifications that are relevant to the workplace needs of South Africa.
Learners are seeking qualifications that are accessible, academically engaging, and relevant in preparing learners who have the knowledge and skills necessary for employment opportunities and which have good articulation opportunities locally and internationally. In a developing society like South Africa, there is a high demand for counsellors (particularly in the field of primary health care), coaches who are skilled in positive personal psychology and corporate enrichment strategies, and effective managers who are robustly grounded with people management knowledge and skills.
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