110023-2-19 SayPro Lesson 4-3 EVALUATION OF REPORTS BY RECEIPIENTS (SO 4, AC 1, AC 2)

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The best person to evaluate the accuracy of a report is the recipient. The recipient is in a better position to check if the report meets his /her informational requirements.  The following key elements can be used to evaluate a report;

  • Clearness
  • Concise
  • Completeness
  • Accuracy or correctness
  1. Clear

Information has to be understood at the first reading.  The report has to be easy to read with legible writing and a clear message.

Clear                                                               Unclear

Rotated the mattress so the                           Turned the bed over.

head end became the foot end.


  1. Concise

Your report is only to be as long as you need to include the necessary information. Use short, simple sentences. Do not use jargon or words that aren’t required.

Concise                                                           Not concise

On his return he was asked to                        And then I said to him that if

put the groceries away.                                  it was possible he should put

the groceries away when he

came back from the shops.



  1. Complete

Ensure all required information is in the report.

Complete                                                        Incomplete

He pushes carrot out of his mouth                 He spat out his dinner again.

whenever I feed it to him.

  1. Correct

Every piece of information must be accurate and verifiable.

Accurate                                                            Inaccurate

I will ask Terry if he likes being                          Someone said Terry’s brother

called ‘bags’ and by whom.                               gave him the nickname ‘bags’ because his trousers always hang around his butt and he likes it.

  1. Organisation

Poorly organized reports can leave readers feeling lost and confused, so it’s important that reports be well-organized.  The best way to organize information will depend somewhat on the type of report and the complexity of the situation.  A simple incident report might work best if organized in chronological order.  An inspection report, on the other hand, might flow better if organized by type of violation (e.g., blocked exits in three areas) or by location (e.g., problems noted room-by-room).

  1. Objective

Objective reports are fair and impartial, not influenced by emotion or opinion.  One key to being objective is to avoid words whose connotations change the tone of the report.

Subjective:      The man attacked an old bag lady.

Objective:        The man attacked an elderly homeless woman.



Template like the one below can be used when evaluating reports;



NAME OF REPORTER………………………………………………………………………………………..

DATE WRITTEN…………………………………………………………………………………………………

SUBJECT OF THE REPORT…………………………………………………………………………………


evaluation criterions


Met requirements Did not meet requirements Areas to be amended

Overall rating and comments


Signature of the evaluator

The report evaluation template can be distributed using the following channels;

Hand delivery
Fax machine

The distribution method depends on the distance between the report writer and the recipient, mode of communication available, timeframe among other factors.



The above distribution methods have been discussed in earlier sections.


  • Neftaly Malatjie | CEO | SayPro
  • Email: info@saypro.online
  • Call: + 27 84 313 7407
  • Website: www.saypro.online

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