9010 SayPro Lesson 2.2 PREFIXES: FROM GIGA TO PICA (109 TO 10-12)

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Giga (symbol: G) is a prefix in the SI system of units denoting 109, or 1 000 000 000.Confirmed in 1960, it comes from the Greek γίγας, meaning giant. In computing, giga can sometimes mean

1 073 741 824 (230) for information units, eg gigabit or gigabyte, but can also denote 1 000 000

000 of other quantities e.g. transfer rates: 1 gigabit/s = 1 000 000 000 bit/s. (The binary prefix gibi has been suggested for 230, to resolve this ambiguity, but had yet to achieve widespread usage). In speech, gigabyte is often abbreviated to gig, as in “This is a ten-gig hard drive”. The initial G in giga- is usually pronounced hard as in geek, not soft as in giant

SI prefixes 10n Prefix Symbol scale Decimal Equivalent

109 giga G Billion 1 000 000 000

106 mega M Million 1 000 000        

103                   kilo                   k                      Thousand                                1 000

102                    hecto              h                      Hundred                                  100

101                          deca,               deka da           Ten                                         10

10−1                  deci                  d                     Tenth                                       0.1

10−2                 centi                  c                    Hundredth                              0.01

10−3                 milli                  m                     Thousandth                             0.001

10−6                   micro                                        Millionth                                  0.000 001

10−9                 nano                 n                    Billionth Milliardth                    0.000 000 001

10−12                pico                  p                      Billionth                                  0.000 000 000 001


2.3.1 Metric to Imperial conversion factors

SI / Imperial conversion Imperial (Column 3) times the conversion factor (Column 4) gives you one of the SI units (Column 1)

1.SI Unit                      2.SI Symbol                3. Imperial Unit           4. Conversion Factor

Millimeter                    mm                             inch                            0.03937

Centimeter                  cm                              inch                            0.3937

Metre                           m                                yard                            0.9144

Square                        metre                          m2 yd2                        0.8361

Litre                             l                                  pint                             0.5682

*Kilogram                    Kg                                lb (pounds)                 0.4536

*gram                          g                                  ounce                          0.035274

*tone                            t                                  ton (long)                     0.9842

micrometre                  um                               1/1000i n                    0.03937


To convert Pounds to kilograms, multiply by 0.453

Kilograms to pounds, multiply by 2.2046 (1/.453)

Ounces to grams, multiply by28.349 (1/.035)

Grams to ounces, multiply by .035

Long tons (2240 lbs.) to tones, multiply by 1.016

Tones to long tons, multiply by 0.98 (1/1.016)


In computing giga can mean two things, what are these?


2.3.2 Temperature conversions

The Fahrenheit scale is in general usage in English-speaking countries.

Chemists usually use the Celcius scale, established by Anders Celcius (1701-1744), which assigns zero degrees to the freezing point of air saturated water and 100 degrees to boiling water at one atmosphere. In the Fahrenheit scale water freezes at 32 degrees and boils at 212 degrees.

So a temperature difference of 100° C is 180° F. The ratio 100/180 can be reduced to 5/9. To convert from degrees F to degrees C we have to subtract 32 and multiply by 5/9. To convert from degrees C to degrees F we have to multiply by 9/5 (which gives you Fahrenheit sized degrees) and then add 32 (which adjusts for the offset).

Let’s convert the boiling temperature of water as 212° F to Celsius.

212 – 32 = 180. 180 x 5/9 = 100.

A comfortable room temperature is 72° F. Let’s convert that to Celsius.

72 – 32 = 40. 40 x 5/9 = 22.2.

25° C is used as a “standard” temperature. Let’s convert that to Fahrenheit.

25 x 9/5 = 45. 45 + 32 = 77.

The 32 that we add or subtract is in degrees Fahrenheit, so we always add

or subtract to the temperature in Fahrenheit sized degrees.

Fahrenheit to Celsius, subtracts 32, divide by 1.8 Celsius to Fahrenheit, multiply by1.8, add 32


Convert the following

a)    -10 °C =? °F

b)    0 °C =? °F

c)    10 °C =? °F

d)    5, 6 g =? Ounces

e)    1000 pounds =? kg


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