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SayPro is a Global Solutions Provider working with Individuals, Governments, Corporate Businesses, Municipalities, International Institutions. SayPro works across various Industries, Sectors providing wide range of solutions.

Learning Outcomes
· Writing/signing produced is appropriate to the audience, purpose, and context. Corrections are an improvement on the original.

· Control of grammar, diction/clarity of sign, sentence, and paragraph structure is checked and adapted for consistency.

· Logical sequencing of ideas and overall unity is achieved through redrafting.

· There is clear evidence that major grammatical and linguistic errors are edited out in redrafts.

· Inappropriate or potentially offensive language is identified and adapted/removed.

·   Experimentation with different layouts and options for presentation is appropriate to the nature and purpose of the task.


  1. Drafting is essential!

This is because it allows you to put down your initial thoughts and then refine them into a coherent piece of writing by redrafting until you are satisfied with the completed product.

  1. Steps to follow:

♦ write down your title (heading). Make sure you are not misinterpreting your topic

♦ decide on the tone of your written work – will it be formal, friendly, demanding,

outraged, ……?

♦ choose your tense. The past tense is the easiest to use. Do not attempt mixing tenses unless you are skilled at using the language

♦ start with a brief introduction. Write three options and decide which is the strongest

♦ divide paragraphs to preserve continuity. One event follows another in chronological order

♦ build sentences carefully but plainly (less is sometimes more!). Vary the lengths and don’t repeat yourself

♦ vary types of sentences – statements, descriptive and more complex

♦ avoid starting sentences with conjunctions (and, but, so, then, because, well, etc.)

♦ watch spelling, punctuation, and tenses

♦ use all your senses to obtain detail

♦ end with a conclusion that has an impact. The ending is important as it’s the last impression you leave your reader with. It must be strong, revealing, and conclusive. It is always the final word that counts! It must give satisfaction to you as well as the reader – it must give closure.

  1. Editing

Editing is when you check your essay for mistakes and correct them. No matter how technically sound your document may be, your credibility will be undermined by sentence construction or grammar errors, word choice, usage, punctuation, mechanics, or spelling. Use a ruler and don’t make a sudden, hurried sweep, but look for one type of error at a time.

The editing stage goes hand in hand with drafting, as you will see that some of the steps are repeated.

Chapter headings: place chapter headings at the top of a new page. Sub-sections, unlike chapters, do not start on a new page but are separated from the preceding section by an empty line

Quoting: this means reporting someone else’s words. Remember to use quotation marks/inverted commas at the beginning and the end of the actual words that were spoken Write the way you talk: talk to your reader – ‘talk’ on paper

Use ordinary words: here are two points to think about:

♦ good professionals use ordinary words unless they need something more precise!

♦ bad amateurs use impressive words all the time unless they can’t think of them!

  • Neftaly Malatjie | CEO | SayPro
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  • Call: + 27 84 313 7407
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