- Using Search Engines: Search engines are best used for information that does not fit into one category and for more specific types of research (e.g., a search for a specific fact or name). A single index to the Internet does not exist. Search engines offer different ways of locating information on the Internet. Listed below are some search engines selected on the basis of frequency of use, positive user reviews, and unique features.
- alltheweb (Fast)
- excite
- AltaVista
- AOL Search
- HotBot
- AskJeeves
- Lycos/LycosPro
Meta search engines use more than one search engine to conduct web searches. The various engines are used simultaneously or in succession. Recognizing that no one search engine indexes the entire Internet, meta search engines are useful when trying to find as much information on the Internet about a specific topic as possible.
- MetaCrawler
- Dogpile
- ProFusion
- ixquick
- Vivisimo
- Mamma
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