114072 LG 1.47 As-Installed Coverage Testing

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After installing a WLAN, it is important to perform as-installed signal coverage testing. This ensures that the WLAN is providing signal coverage in all required coverage areas based on the final positioning of access points. As with coverage testing done during a wireless site survey, as-installed coverage testing involves using a signal meter to measure signal values throughout the required coverage areas. As-installed coverage testing, however, does not use a test access point. The actual installed access points that comprise the WLAN generate the signals that the signal meter measures. In addition, instead of only testing specific locations, you walk through the entire facility and measure the signal values. The goal with as-installed coverage testing is to ensure that the signal coverage requirements are fully met by the installed access points. As with propagation testing done during a site survey, as-installed coverage testing requires you to determine minimum signals levels that constitute acceptable signal coverage. You can then utilize a signal meter to measure the signal values and generate coverage maps based on a minimum threshold. See Chapter 15 for more information about defining acceptable signal values for signal coverage. It is generally advisable to generate signal coverage maps for the facility where the WLAN is installed. Many of the signal meters specialized for performing site surveys include this feature. You load in floor plans of the facility, and the signal meter indicates where there is acceptable coverage based on the signal values that you have recorded during the testing.

  • Neftaly Malatjie | CEO | SayPro
  • Email: info@saypro.online
  • Call: + 27 84 313 7407
  • Website: www.saypro.online

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