Once the system has been created, it needs to be thoroughly tested.
A test plan is usually written whilst the system is being developed. The test plan will contain details of every single thing that needs to be tested.
For example:
- Does the system open and close properly?
- Can data be entered?
- Can data be saved?
- Can reports be printed?
- When you do something wrong, does an error message appear?
- Is invalid data rejected? E.g. if you are not allowed to enter an amount above 1,000 on the system then a value of 1,001 should not be accepted (i.e. does the validation work?)
Test plans are very detailed, and contain many tests. Each test is specified very precisely.
A typical test would contain:
- Details of what is being tested
- The test data to use
- What is expected to happen when the test is performed
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