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Results of a test must be recorded in the test analysis report.

Test Analysis Report



The Test Analysis Report documents software testing unit/module, subsystem integration, system, user acceptance, and security – as defined in the test plan.  The Test Analysis Report records results of the tests., presents the capabilities and deficiencies for review, and provides a means of assessing software progression to the next stage of development or testing.  Results of each type of test are added to the software development document for the module or system being tested.  Reports are created as required in the remaining phases. The set of Test Analysis Reports provides a basis for assigning responsibility for deficiency correction and follow up, and for preparation of a statement of project completion.


Test Problem Report forms are generated as required and attached to the Test Analysis Reports during testing at the integration level and higher.  The disposition of problems found, starting with integration testing, will be traced and reported under configuration control.



This section should present a clear, concise statement of the purpose for the Test Analysis Report.



This section identifies the software application system tested and the test(s) conducted covered by this Test Analysis Report.  The report summarizes the results of tests already conducted and identities testing that remain to be conducted.  Provide a brief summary of the project objectives, and identify the System Proponent and users.


This section provides a bibliography of key project references and deliverables applicable to system software testing. 


This section describes any security considerations associated with the system or module being tested, the test analysis, and the data begin handled – such as confidentiality requirements, audit trials, access control, and recoverability.  If this Test Analysis Report is not documenting the formal security test, also summarize the security capabilities included in the system or module test and itemize the specific security deficiencies detected while conducting the test.

The results of specific tests, findings, deficiency analysis, and recommendations will be discussed in the subsequent sections.  Reference those portions of this document that specifically address system security issues.  If no deficiencies were detected during the system or module test, state this fact.


This section defines all terms and provides a list of abbreviations used in the Test Analysis Report.  If the list is several pages in length, it may be placed as an appendix.


This section describes the results of each test performed.  Tests at each level should include verification of access control and system standards, functionality, and error processes.  Repeat the subsections of this section for each test performed.

Test Name

The test performed for the specified unit, module, subsystem, or system is discussed in this section.  For each test, provide the subsequent sections.

System Function

A high-level description of the function tested and a description of system capabilities designed to satisfy these functions are contained in this section.  Each system function should be described separately.

Functional Capability

This section evaluates the performance of each function demonstrated in the test.  This section also assesses the manner in which the test environment may be different from the operational environment and the effect of this difference on functional capabilities.

Performance Capability

This section quantitatively compares the software performance characteristics with the criteria stated in the test plan.  The comparison should identify deficiencies, limitations, and constraints detected for each function during testing.  If appropriate, a test history or log can be included as an appendix.

  • Neftaly Malatjie | CEO | SayPro
  • Email: info@saypro.online
  • Call: + 27 84 313 7407
  • Website: www.saypro.online

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