114066 LG 1.22 Document Risk & Issues

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SayPro is a Global Solutions Provider working with Individuals, Governments, Corporate Businesses, Municipalities, International Institutions. SayPro works across various Industries, Sectors providing wide range of solutions.

  1. Risk is future’s uncertain event with a probability of occurrence and a potential for loss. When the risk actually happens, it becomes the ‘issue’.

    In the article Risk Analysis and Solution, you have already learned about the ‘Risk’ analysis in detail and identified potential risks in the project.

    In the Test Plan, you will document those risks



    Team member lack the required skills for website testing.

    Plan training course to skill up your members

    The project schedule is too tight; it’s hard to complete this project on time

    Set Test Priority for each of the test activity.  

    Test Manager has poor management skill

    Plan leadership training for manager

    A lack of cooperation negatively affects your employees’ productivity

    Encourage each team member in his task, and inspire them to greater efforts.  

    Wrong budget estimate and cost overruns

    Establish the scope before beginning work, pay a lot of attention to project planning and constantly track and measure the progress


  • Neftaly Malatjie | CEO | SayPro
  • Email: info@saypro.online
  • Call: + 27 84 313 7407
  • Website: www.saypro.online

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