Email: info@saypro.online Call/WhatsApp: + 27 84 313 7407

SayPro is a Global Solutions Provider working with Individuals, Governments, Corporate Businesses, Municipalities, International Institutions. SayPro works across various Industries, Sectors providing wide range of solutions.

  • Advice given to a client can come from:

    (a) Outside an organisation, either for a fee or as part of a supplier’s marketing effort or after-sales support;
    (b) Within the organisation from business analysts or system designers working directly or indirectly for a user. Irrespective of conditions of employment, consultants are expected to give sound advice and honest opinions, and to help the client to a successful planned conclusion. The following points amplify the notes for guidance in respect for consultancy work.
    Members should hold themselves accountable for the advice given to their client’s, and should ensure that all known limitations of their work are fully disclosed, documented and explained.
    A member should not attempt to avoid the consequences of poor advice by making the language of any report incomprehensible to the layman by the use of computer jargon.
    A member should ensure that the client is aware of all significant contingencies and risks which could adversely affect plans and the scale of the costs which may be incurred as a result of embarking on any particular computer strategy. During the course of the work, the member should bring to the client’s attention, at the earliest possible time, any risk that the stated objectives may not be achievable or any risk attaching to the objective of which the client may not be aware; and if the solution lies in the extension of the contract, best efforts should be used to make the necessary time available at an equitable fee. Where it is possible that decisions may be made as a result of a member’s efforts which could adversely affect the social benefits, work or career of any individual, the member should ensure that the clients are aware of their responsibilities to mitigate the effects of their decisions.
    Members should always have regard to any factors arising during a professional assignment which might reflect adversely upon their integrity and objectivity. Members should declare to their client, before accepting instructions, all interests which may affect the proper performance of their functions. For example:

    (a) a directorship or controlling interest in any business which is in competition with the client;
    (b) a financial interest in any goods or services recommended to the client;
    (c) a personal relationship with any person in a client’s employment who might influence, or be directly affected by, advice given. When undertaking consultancy work, a written agreement must be provided which clearly states the basis or amount of remuneration before undertaking the assignment. A member is expected not to structure fees in any way so as to offset impartiality; examples which have in the past been regarded as suspect include fee splitting, and payment by results.
    A member should not invite any employee of a client to consider alternative employment without prior consent of that client. (An advertisement in the press is not considered to be an invitation to any particular person for the purpose of this rule.)

  • Neftaly Malatjie | CEO | SayPro
  • Email: info@saypro.online
  • Call: + 27 84 313 7407
  • Website: www.saypro.online

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