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Speaking clearly and effectively with your customers is an extremely important skill. You want to be able to explain procedures, policies, and other aspects of your company to your customers so they walk away without any questions. Clear and effective speaking also gives the customer a good impression of you as well as your company. Customers do not want to speak with someone that mumbles or cannot articulate points clearly. Lastly, speaking effectively leaves no room for error. Both you and the customer have a solid understanding of the company or the issue that you are fixing for them. This sort of understanding will lead to a long lasting relationship with the customer.

Guidelines for polite communication with customers

Rules of politeness, in communication and otherwise, are steeped in history. Some have also changed as society and technology has changed. Certainly what governs polite communication in some cultures is not true in others, so it’s important to understand cultural differences in advance. Communicating politely indicates a respect for others, which can go a long way in both personal and business communications.

  1. Interrupting

Interrupting is generally considered rude behaviour. Allow the speaker to finish a sentence in the conversation or if he has a designated time to speak, such as during a business meeting. In some instances you need to interrupt, such as when you are running short on time or the conversation is veering off topic or getting into an inappropriate area. In these cases, polite communication means knowing how to interrupt politely. Practice using phrases such as, “Excuse me, I know how valuable your time is, so I think we should stick to the topic.”

  1. Nonverbal

Polite communication is found in facial expressions and body movements as well as words. When speaking, smiling can indicate an openness and help the listener relax. If you are listening, sitting upright, maintaining eye contact, nodding occasionally and even raising your eyebrows slightly lets the speaker know you are actively paying attention. It’s important to remember that nonverbal cues are not always reliable. For example, if a listener is frowning or looking down, he may simply not be feeling well. But being mindful of your nonverbal signals is the best way to use them in a polite manner.

  • Writing

Keeping written correspondence polite can be overlooked with today’s electronic communication, such as email. Keep business emails professional, just as you would an old-fashioned letter. Always use a subject line so the reader sees the topic, and include a professional greeting and signature line. Nonverbal cues are absent in emails so your manners will be evident only in your use of “please,” “thank you” and other polite phrases. If the topic is complex or potentially confrontational, research shows that email can be more polite than leaving a voice mail message, as you can take more time and edit before sending.

  1. Considerations

Never assume, particularly in a business setting, that someone has time to talk when it’s unplanned; ask before you attempt to start a conversation. Don’t allow background noise to intrude on telephone calls, or try to eat lunch while you’re on the call. Remember that business rank and the respect that goes with it still count in social situations, so don’t assume a familiarity with your boss at the office holiday party. Don’t correct someone’s grammar in front of others unless they mispronounce your name. Avoid conversations that are about someone else, and when engaging in conversation, don’t dominate it.

  • Neftaly Malatjie | CEO | SayPro
  • Email: info@saypro.online
  • Call: + 27 84 313 7407
  • Website: www.saypro.online

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