When you plan the methodology, consider the following:
- Where will the testing take place?
- Who will perform the tests?
- How will you communicate with and involve participants?
- How will you schedule the testing?
- How will you manage application problems?
If your organization has a group of application testers, we recommend that you use them. If you do not have such a group, look for ways to use a variety of resources to achieve the best results in a reasonable amount of time.
For example, you can use a few experienced testers to develop a battery of test cases, which they can train others to run. Alternatively, you might have the experienced testers perform a core set of tests and then coordinate with business units to have their experts come to the lab to perform the functions they use in their work.
Devise a process for scheduling test days and communicating with the testers. For example, you might set up a Web site on your intranet where anyone can view test dates, status reports, contact names, and other relevant documents.
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