10066 LG Evaluation of Alternatives

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SayPro is a Global Solutions Provider working with Individuals, Governments, Corporate Businesses, Municipalities, International Institutions. SayPro works across various Industries, Sectors providing wide range of solutions.

.     A successful information search within a product category yields a consideration set (aka evoked set), which is a group of brands that the buyer views as possible alternatives.

  1. a)     The consumer establishes a set of evaluative criteria, which are objective and subjective characteristics that are important to him or her.
  2. b)     The consumer uses these criteria to rates and ranks brands in the consideration set.
  3. Marketers can influence consumers’ evaluations by “framing” the alternatives—that is, by the manner in which they describe the alternatives and attributes.

  • Neftaly Malatjie | CEO | SayPro
  • Email: info@saypro.online
  • Call: + 27 84 313 7407
  • Website: www.saypro.online

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